All About Mrs. Trowbridge

Hi! My name is Heather Trowbridge. I am so excited to be working in kindergarten this year with your wonderful children. I really enjoy our Greenbrier Community! Let me tell you a little about myself.

I grew up in the Hamptons on Long Island. My hometown is surrounded by water and the front yard of my childhood home was on the harbor. I love the beach and anything having to do with the sea. Besides New York, I’ve lived in Arizona and in Virginia. I have called Greenville, SC home for the last 23 years.

I graduated from Radford University in Virginia with a Bachelor of Science in Middle School Education with two concentration areas: Science and English. I am a former middle school teacher, parent volunteer, PTA vice president, and substitute teacher.

I have been married to my best friend Jeremy for 28 years, and we have two wonderful children who are our greatest gifts. My daughter Gabby is 17 and a senior at Mauldin High School. My son Timothy is 16 and a junior at Mauldin High School. Both of my children are former Greenbrier students!

When not at school, I can be found somewhere near the water or in a garden.

Thank you for the opportunity to teach your precious gifts.