Plex Media Server

Plex is software you can install on a computer in your home to do streaming of videos (and music and other media) for your own use on other computers, tablets and phones - think Spotify and Netflix...

I was interested in trying it so that I could get rid of our DVD Player (and DVDs) and have a menu of videos to watch in our home network, instead of storing, finding and playing DVD’s. If you want to watch your media on a home theater, you'll need a connected streaming device (Roku, 4th Gen Apple TV, Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV that can host the app so you have it available on your TV. Plex is a free app that lets you do it. I set it up for my home network. Its running on an old Mac Mini and is wired to our router to keep it off of the wifi so that you can use wifi for the streaming clients - laptops and tablets.