Liquid Fertilizer

One-shot Fertilizer Concentrate

Our liquid fertilizer is free of industrial ammonia!

We took our aerated compost tea and made it easy to use.

Sealed in 12 oz packages, just open and mix with a 1 gallon of water.

Compost Tea

For crimini's sake, don't drink it! Pour it on your plants!

A sip for your garden will make your veggies feel fine.

  • Aerated compost tea is made from kelp grown in the waters around Isle au Haut, mineralized for three months in our bioreactor.

  • We take sugar kelp from our farm and aerate it so that we get good seep. The longer the seep the richer the mix, just like your morning tea.

  • Fresh water helps to break down the cellular structure of the kelp.

  • The bubbles provide oxygen to microbes that break down the sugars contained in the kelp cells and, in the process, release the nutrients in the kelp.

  • Kelp is of the sea and contains the nutrients of the sea. Calcium, magnesium, boron, sulphur and zinc are a few of the most important micronutrients in kelp compost tea.

  • Kelp is not a good source of nitrogen or phosphorous so we add both by mixing fish hydrolysate (fish tank water) with the kelp compost tea.

  • N:P:K ratio = 0:0:1

Lots of Potassium, microbes and fungi

Jessica Santos -

One-shot is very high in potassium, which is great for your plants ability to produce sugars (yes, medicinal growers, that statement was directed at you).

Check out this semi-technical article on the role of potassium in plants. In short, plants can't make proteins or sugars to grow without it.

Over 300,000 bacteria and fungi mycorhize per teaspoon

What do all those bacteria do? Bacteria are the ultimate mediators in soil microbiology. A fluffy, loam soil has plenty of air and plenty of microbes that convert nutrients and micronutrients into forms plants can use.

You want lots of the air loving bacteria in your growing media, and boy do we have that is spades. If sprayed on the leaves the microbes in One-shot will also eat other bacteria and fungi that would infect the surface of your plant.

This scientific article reports on improved root and shoot growth for commercial crops grown with actively aerated compost tea.

Our compost tea is certified low in heavy metals

We went ahead and paid for the fancy analysis. Many plants will chelate (absorb) certain heavy metals. Medicinal growers have to worry about arsenic, for example. Spinach will absorb lead. These qualities are great in environmental clean up, but lead laden spinach is not something you want on your dinner plate.

We test our compost tea to make sure we know what's in it so you can know.

Can I get it locally?

Look for shot series at independent grow and greenhouse supply stores in southern Maine.

Can I get it shipped to me?

Yes. Link to our online shop to purchase the shot series.

How do I use it?

Mix one 12 oz package of One-shot with 1 gallon of water. Water plants like you normally would. Need a heftier shot of nutrients? Use less water.