
Julia B Levine grew up in Flint, Michigan, but moved to California when she was 18 years to attend Pomona College in Claremont, CA. She received a MFA from the low residency program at Pacific University, as well as a PhD from University of California, Berkeley. She is the author of five collections of poetry and has received numerous awards for her work, including the Northern California Book Award in Poetry, the Tampa Review Poetry Prize, the Anhinga Prize, as well as a bronze medal from Foreword. Other awards include fellowships from the California Arts Council, Sewanee Writers Conference, Palm Beach Poetry Festival, Napa Writer’s Workshop, as well as the Pablo Neurda Prize, the Discovery, The Nation award, and the Bellevue Literary Review Prize.

Her work has been published widely in journals such as the American Poetry Review, The Nation, Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, The Southern Review, The Tampa Review, and many others. She has taught at Antioch’s Summer Writing Institute, Sacramento State Summer Words, the Davis Art Center, as well as guest taught at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and University of the Pacific, Stockton. Currently she serves as the City of Davis Poet Laureate, and is working to integrate eco-poetry and poetry of the Anthropocene into community programs for adults and children devoted to sustainability in the face of climate change.

Selected Honors and Awards

*Grand Prize Winner, Public Poetry, 2019

* Winner, Northern California Book Award in Poetry, 2015, for Small Disasters Seen in Sunlight (LSU Press, 2014)

* Winner, Tampa Review Prize Poetry Competition, 2003/\

* Winner, Anhinga Press Poetry Competition, 1998

* Winner, Discovery Prize, The Nation, Emerging Poet Award, 1995

* Pushcart Prize Nominations, 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2009, 2008, 2006

*First Prize, Marica and Jan Vilcek Prize in Poetry, Bellevue Literary Review, 2020

*First Prize, Tiferet, Annual Writing Contest, 2018

* First Prize, Anna Davidson Rosenberg Prize in Poetry, 2001

* First Prize, Lullwater Review Poetry Competition, 1998

* First Prize, Americas Review Poetry Competition, 1997

* First Prize, Pablo Neruda Prize, (Nimrod Magazine), 1994

* First Prize, San Francisco Bay Guardian Poetry Contest, 1987

*Second Prize, Third Coast Poetry Contest, 2019

*Second Prize, Gemini Literary Contest, 2019

* Second Prize, Thomas Merton Poetry of the Sacred, 2019

* Fellowship, Gemini Ink Apprentice-Mentor Program, 2003 (\

* Fellowship, University of California, Davis, PCBR Poet-in-Residence, 2002

* Fellowship, Sewanee Writer’s Workshop, 2001

* Fellowship, California Council on the Arts, 1997

* Fellowship, Napa Valley Summer Writing Program, 2004, 1995, 1992, 1991

* Fellowship, Djerrassi Foundation, 1989