Hi, I am Jialu Li (李嘉璐).

I earned my Ph.D. from the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Before that, I earned my bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering with Highest Honors at UIUC. I am working with Professor Mark Hasegawa-Johnson at the Statistical Speech Technology Group. I am also closely collaborating with Professor Nancy L. McElwain at the Department of Human Development and Family Studies

I have interned at Meta AI Research (Summer '21 and '22) and Amazon Web Services (Summer '23) to conduct research on automatic speech recognition.

My doctoral work centers on interdisciplinary speech applications related to children’s speech and multilingual technology, at the intersection of psychology, healthcare, and linguistics. Specifically, my primary focus has been developing artificial intelligence (AI)-powered emerging clinical applications of (1) monitoring infant psychological development and (2) identifying children who are at risk of autism based on automatic analysis of their vocalizations.

My favorite movie quote: "Life was like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get." --Forrest Gump


2024.04 I passed my final thesis defense!

2023.12 I gave a talk at DARCLE's monthly meeting on December 19th.

2023.04 I gave a talk at the NSF AI4ExceptionalEd inaugural retreat at the University at Buffalo. 

2023.04 I was nominated for the Graduate College Dissertation Completion Fellowship as one of the top 2 candidates within the ECE department.

2022.09 I was selected as a featured student researcher at Beckman Institute this month. Check out my daily life vlog on Instagram!

2022.05 I was awarded the Rambus Fellowship in Electrical and Computer Engineering for 2022-2023.

2022.04 I was selected as a Beckman Institute Graduate Fellow for 2022-2023.

2021.04 I passed my preliminary exam.

2019.04 I passed my qualifying exam! I am officially a Ph.D. candidate in ECE at UIUC.