
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding (DNCB)

I joined a local birding group several years ago after attending one of their "Birds on the Bay" events. The Delta Naturalists Casual Birding (DNCB) group provides a good excuse for a weekly stroll with some friendly people to interesting spots around the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Delta is one of Canada's prime birding locations, and while I'm not an accomplished birder, I've learned to recognize a few species. Not only do we see a wide range of birds, we usually conclude each outing with a lunch and beer in a local eatery. All-in-all, it's a great group to be part of.

Here are links to the DNCB blog and group photography

My Bird Photography

Here is a link to my photos on Flickr where I keep my bird photos so they are easily shared with the rest of the DNCB photos. Flickr continues to spiral downward,and it became too difficult to maintain my own account. Here are my photos inside the shared Delta Nats account. I moved my RV travel and family life photos onto Google photos. See the Photo Albums page for links.

I have presented an Introduction to Bird Photography workshop in collaboration with the Boundary Bay Park Association and their Birds in Focus event over the past several years. Here is a link to the slides for my presentation.

Cascade Bird Box Team (CBBT)

A group of DNCB members have been constructing and installing nest boxes for tree swallows and barn owls. Again, another good excuse for getting together with some interesting guys, doing some good work, and having lunch and a beer.

Here's a map of the nestboxes that we were involved with installing. You may need to checkmark the CBBT layer in the list of layers to make it visible. The map also contains recent history of DNS swallow boxes.

We have supplied barn owl nestboxes into the BC Blueberry industry to enhance owl habitat and control rodents without resorting to rodenticides. These videos explain the program:

Here are some general photos of nestboxes and barn owl boxes on Flickr and Google Photos, and some compiled videos of owl boxes plus the raw videos used to make the compilations.

CBBT members can view additional information here.