
PI: Youngjun Song Ph.D.


2015-2015 Post Doc at University of California, San Diego

2009-2014 M.S. Ph.D. at University of California, San Diego

2002-2006 B.S. at Inha University

Sung Hwan No (M.S. Student)

Interest: DNA Storage and Computing, BioMEMS

Taeseok Kang (Undergraudate)

Interest: DNA Photolithography, Semiconductor Fabrication

WonJun Lee (Undergraudate)

Interest: BioMEMS, 3D printing, DNA computing

Doyean Lim (Undergraudate)

Interest: DNA self-assembly, Dieletrophoresis

Chanhyuk Lee (Undergraudate)

Interest: Nanoparticle self-assembly, Flexible Transparent electrodes

Danbee Kim (Undergraudate)

Interest: Stretchable electronics, Wearable electronics

Joungdu Kim (Undergraudate)

Interest: Low molecule detection, Bio opto-electronics devices