
  1. Munzhedzi Londolani Bertha 2. Mukhwantheli Mukovhe


Munzhedzi Londolani Bertha is a female, aged 24 from Hamutsha village in Limpopo. She studied Bachelor of Administration in Local Government at the University of Limpopo from 2017 to 2019. Ms. Londolani graduated this degree cum laude. In 2020, she registered an Honours degree in Public Administration, which she also acquired in cum laude. She currently registered as a Master's student at the University of Johannesburg and also Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences at the University of South Africa. A quote that drives her is " a great nature makes its own environment and succeed". Her own quote is "Be so conscious of your own growth, let no lack of material for one moment disturb you".

As there is no other satisfaction that can compare with of looking back across the years and finding that you have grown in self control and achieved more, we look back to her secondary days. In 2016, she was awarded 9 awards, one of them being best learner of the class of 2016 at Nndamuleleni Secondary School. Again, she came out top at the Best English learner (FAL) at Dzondo Circuit.


Mukhwatheli Mukovhe is a 25 years old male from Tshino village in Limpopo. He studied Bachelor of Commerce (economics) at the University of Limpopo. Mr Mukhwatheli graduated this degree in record time with multiple distinctions. As he is paassionate in teaching, he pursued Postgraduate Certificate in Education majoring in Accounting and economics. Upon completion, he voluntereed as a teacher at Makakavhale Secondary School and in August 2021 he was temporarily employed as a teacher at Ntabane Secondary school. He is part of various educational initiatives such as the Reading and Writing Centre UL and Mentorship programme. His life qoute is " if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, however, if you teach a man how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. His own qoute is "I envision myself a a gurdian angel for myself and the nation through education, for education is the only way to liberate the nation".