1. What do we focus on?

There are two big issues: Atmosphere and Green Energy. We have been working on air pollution where we study emission characteristic, measurement technique, and health impacts. We are also conducting research on the up-to-date issue such as fine-dust problem and toxic gas sensor development. On the green energy part, we focus on hydrogen production where we synthesize new types of material to produce clean energy.

2. Working hours?

From 9 AM to 6 PM. But not too tight.

3. What do people do after graduation?

They are working in semiconductor industry, engineering consulting company and government or being researchers in our lab.

4. From whom we get sponsored?

Seoul city, Korea ministry of science & ICT, Korea environmental industry & technology institute and etc.

5. Can I get scholarship?

Inha university is one of the universities where the scholarship system is established well.

You can see this website to know the scholarship in detail. http://gradeng.inha.ac.kr/entrance/ent_030301.aspx

6. What Conference do we attend?

In 2018, FEET lab participated in KSIEC(The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry) chemical engineering conference, DUST(International Conference on Atmospheric Dust Conference), BEEM(International conference on Bioresources, Energy, Envrionment, and Materials Technology), ANM(International conference on Advanced nano materials), Nanoenrgy(International conference on Nanotechnoogy, Nanomaterials & Thin Films for Energy applications), ICEEE(International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering), KOSAE (Korea Society of Atmospheric Environment), BWR(International conference on Biological Waste as Resource).

We attend on the conference on not only atmospheric field but also material and chemical engineering field.

In News category, you can see the what presentation we did.

7. Do you need any other requirement?(English)

If you can speak English, it would be very helpful. Since there are foreign researchers in our lab, it will be much easier for you to communicate with other members.

8. Does my major matter when I want to get in to the lab?

Basically, no. If your previous field is related to our lab’s interest, it might help but doesn’t have to be exactly the same.

9. What should I do if I first get in?

It depends on your ability. If you really are a beginner you might spend much of your time reading and studying (rather than diving into the experiment right away). But as you get progressed and learn more about the project you are working on, you will get more chance to learn new things and get deep into them.

10. One of the best part of FEET Lab to choose?

We have our equipment ready in our lab. We can do most of our experiment inside our own lab. Other than outsourcing our project to commercial firms, we use Research Institute of Standard and Analysis in our School to check the performance of our samples.

11. Where can I contact?

If you need any information beyond this, send an email to inhafeetlab@gmail.com