Humanized Online Teaching Showcase

 Mark Mavis, Math Instructor, Butte College

This site provides examples of instructional resources created in the Humanizing Online Teaching Academy, a professional development program at Butte College, funded by the Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Practices grant from the California Community College Chancellor's Office.


Where I was.

I had a very dry online class. My recorded lectures were fine. I used Zoom and OneNote to make student-friendly lectures that were equivalent to what they would see in my face-to-face class. But I didn't do anything that offered my personality. I didn't even have a picture of myself!! I would send emails to the class on a regular basis, but that was my only way of communicating with them.

Where I am.

The students in my next online class will know what I look like!! My Homepage and Syllabus will have a picture of me as well as a welcoming video. I plan to record a weekly video of myself that will summarize what happened in the past week and what they can expect in the coming week. I also hope to share a bit of myself like I would in a face-to-face class.

Where I am going.

I've been exposed to online tools I never knew existed. . . Google Sites, Flip, Adobe Express. Each one of those was a struggle when I was completing an assignment, but I want to revisit each one and ask how it could enhance the learning experience for my students.

Liquid Syllabus

I will provide the Liquid Syllabus a week before our class starts. I hope they will get a feeling that I'm a real instructor and want to be "hands on" as best as I can for an online class.

I want them to feel like they made the right choice by signing up for my class and they have a clear picture of what they need to do in the first week to be successful.

This is a Word Cloud of statistical terms.

Course Card

Word Clouds are a fun and colorful way to convey what the students will be getting ready to learn.

I think it's playful.


When students start on the Canvas page for our class, they will see this inviting Welcome!! It includes my picture so they know I'm real and what I look like as well as contact information and links for how to get started Week 1.

Getting to Know You Survey

I always give a survey in my face-to-face statistics classes. It gives students a chance to share some personal information as well as a chance for me to gather real data that I can use as examples later in the course.

I've included a few new questions that give students a chance to reflect on their feelings about the course and to consider challenges they may face early on while taking an online class.

Ice Breaker or Wisdom Wall

I start by explaining the purpose of the Wisdom Wall; to share an experience from our course with a future student. The purpose is to provide encouragement to the next semester's statistics students.

I also include my own experience taking statistics and how often I was in my professor's office hours.

Bumper Video

This Bumper Video used a new-to-me tool: Adobe Express. It was a fun way to share a quick summary of an important feature of the TI-84 graphing calculator.

I will share this near the end of Week 3 when they have been learning a lot of descriptive statistics.

By following these instructions, students will be able to summarize any data set with the terms we've learned at this point in the class.


I have gotten used to recording lectures on Zoom while using OneNote as my whiteboard. Students can see me, hear my voice, and watch me write just like our face-to-face students get to see.

After viewing this Microlecture, students will be able to draw, label and find the area under a Normal Curve by using their TI-84 graphing calculator.

This will improve their learning experience because it summarizes the three ways area can be found and uses one tool to bring those three ways together.