Humanizing Online STEM Showcase

Howard Han, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Ventura College.

This site provides examples of instructional resources created in the Humanizing Online STEM Academy, a professional development program funded by the California Education Learning Lab and administered by the Foothill DeAnza Community College District


Where I was.

At the beginning of my teaching journey, my primary aim was to simplify the learning process, making it more efficient and convenient for students. This philosophy was grounded in the belief that the integration of technologies and tools in education should be driven by actual needs, rather than their mere availability or prevailing trends. I observed how the rush to adopt "modern tools" often seemed unwarranted and could even undermine learning effectiveness, requiring students to grapple with new technologies that, at times, added complexity rather than value to their educational experience.

Despite my extensive experience with media technologies—including photography, videography, video editing, and studio production—I approached the idea of integrating these skills into my educational practice with caution. This hesitance was rooted in a desire to preserve the simplicity and efficiency of the learning environment, wary of introducing new technological challenges that could distract from learning objectives.

Equally, I grappled with the concept of humanizing the online course environment. Sharing personal aspects of myself with students was outside my comfort zone. It wasn't about feeling ashamed of my personal life; rather, I believed those details were private, meant only for me. Furthermore, the thought of adopting a more socially active and energetic persona in educational settings made me uncomfortable. The pressure to share more of my personality with students felt like being pushed to assume a persona that didn't align with my authentic self. This initial reluctance to merge my personal and professional sides was a significant barrier to embracing the full scope of humanizing my courses, reflecting a broader challenge of how best to foster genuine connections and an inclusive atmosphere without compromising my personal boundaries.

Where I am.

The journey through the Humanizing STEM Academy has been transformative, serving as a critical bridge that encouraged me to step beyond the boundaries of my initial hesitations and integrate a more personal and technological approach into my teaching. This program has not only enabled me to align teaching strategies with my authentic self but also provided structured guidance that showcased the significance of humanizing elements within the STEM curriculum. As a result, I have become more open to sharing aspects of my personal experiences and media technology skills with students, recognizing the power of these elements to foster a more engaging and inclusive learning environment.

By engaging with the academy, I discovered that the effective use of media technologies could be seamlessly blended into educational practices without compromising the simplicity and efficiency of the learning process. This realization marked a departure from my earlier stance of keeping my professional and personal sides distinct, opening up avenues to enrich student learning experiences through the integration of my media expertise.

Furthermore, the academy's focus on humanizing the classroom, rather than strictly on performance metrics, encouraged me to explore teaching approaches that better align with my personality and values. This shift highlighted the critical importance of empathy, presence, and building personal connections in education. It changed my view on the role of bringing my entire self into my teaching practices. Now, I view the integration of my personal experiences and media technology expertise not as an extra effort but as valuable assets. These elements contribute to making my courses more dynamic and relevant, enhancing student engagement, and promoting a richer understanding of the material.

Where I am going.

Motivated by the valuable lessons from the Humanizing STEM Academy, I'm poised to further embed the humanizing concepts and media integration strategies into my courses. My next steps involve a thorough review and enhancement of program materials, such as the syllabus and introductory videos, tailoring them more closely to reflect my unique teaching approach and address the diverse needs of my students.

To assess the effectiveness of these adapted practices, I plan to collect detailed feedback through surveys and casual discussions with students, aiming to understand their perspectives on the changes. This direct input will be instrumental in fine-tuning my course content and methods, with the goal of not only elevating student performance and satisfaction but also fostering a sense of belonging and engagement in the learning process.

By persistently marrying my background in media technologies with the principles of humanized teaching, I'm dedicated to cultivating an educational environment that is not only more inclusive and interactive but also resonates with the students on a personal level, thereby enhancing their overall learning experience.

Liquid Syllabus

The liquid syllabus I’ve created offers a streamlined overview of the syllabus, highlighting key strategies for success in the initial week of class. It includes details about my professional background and teaching philosophy to help build a foundation of trust with my students. With the inclusion of a course pact and various support resources, it serves to show my commitment to my students' educational experience from the outset. 

Course card for CHEM V20 showing Ventura College logo with chemistry lab imagery in school colors

Course Card

The course card for CHEM V20 is designed to be visually consistent with our class's homepage, featuring the Ventura College logo and minimalistic lab imagery. The clear, bold text ensures that the course is easily recognizable at a glance, reinforcing brand identity and subject relevance. It’s a straightforward welcome that underscores our focus on chemistry and nods to our diverse student community 


The homepage for CHEM V20 at Ventura College is crafted with a clear, user-friendly design to welcome students. The top features a banner combining chemistry themes with an artistic twist, designed to spark interest without overwhelming. A video introduction offers a brief personal connection, complemented by a text greeting for those who prefer reading. Contact information is provided to ensure easy communication, and a prominently placed 'Start Here' button guides users through the course structure. This design prioritizes ease of use and accessibility, setting a friendly tone for the course. 

Getting to Know You Survey

My 'Getting to Know You' survey includes the question, 'What would you like me to call you?' which is pivotal for me. The option for students to provide a voice recording of their name not only helps me to address each person correctly but also adds a personal touch to our virtual environment. Another key question, 'How do you learn best?' goes beyond general categories; I follow it up with an optional personality test that is both enlightening and enjoyable, helping students to identify their learning preferences more precisely. These insights directly inform how I structure course content and interactions, ensuring a tailored and effective learning experience for everyone. 

Wisdom Wall

My 'Getting to Know You' survey includes the question, 'What would you like me to call you?' which is pivotal for me. The option for students to provide a voice recording of their name not only helps me to address each person correctly but also adds a personal touch to our virtual environment. Another key question, 'How do you learn best?' goes beyond general categories; I follow it up with an optional personality test that is both enlightening and enjoyable, helping students to identify their learning preferences more precisely. These insights directly inform how I structure course content and interactions, ensuring a tailored and effective learning experience for everyone. 

Bumper Video

This brief video serves as an introduction to the fundamental concept of moles in chemistry, which is essential for understanding atomic structure and properties. By starting with a relatable analogy, comparing moles to the concept of a dozen, the video aims to demystify this abstract concept. The instructional purpose of the video is to provide a clear and concise explanation of moles and their practical application in chemical equations. It also addresses common misconceptions, like the mole ratio, by emphasizing the distinction between weight and the amount of substance. By connecting moles to other units, such as mass, the video lays the groundwork for further topics in the course. I expect this video to improve students’ learning experiences by offering a solid conceptual foundation, enabling them to tackle more complex problems with confidence. 


In this concise microlecture, students are walked through mole-to-mole conversion problems to gear up for a quiz. It directly supports learning objectives on stoichiometry and chemical equation interpretation. Using a digital whiteboard, I break down the steps to derive mole ratios from balanced equations. This visual, step-by-step approach not only prepares students for the quiz format but also sharpens their problem-solving skills, fostering a deeper understanding of stoichiometric calculations in chemistry.