Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This page explains the manner by which Security Camera solutions collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users ("User") of mobile application Security Camera CZ, website and other software and services provided in connection with Security Camera CZ ("Services").

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect and may use personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") and other information which means anything the User may post via the Services and which is not included in the definition of Personal Information ("Personal and Other Information").

Personal and Other Information

We store Personal and Other Information you entered into our Services in the Google Cloud Platform. Personal and Other Information includes:

User's name, email address and profile picture that was used to sign in to the Service;

If you sign up for Services through a third party application like Facebook or Google, you authorize us to collect your authentication information, such as your name, email address and profile picture through the third party application account, including the following information:

Facebook: By using the "Sign in with Facebook" button in our Services, you can log in to our Services using your Facebook user data. Depending on your personal data protection settings on Facebook, we will only receive general information that is publicly accessible and stored in your profile. This information includes your user ID, email address, name and profile picture. We will store and process the data received from Facebook to create a user account in Services.

You may revoke your consent and delete provided data at any time by sending a message to an email address or by deleting your account from Services.

You can check Facebook's privacy policies for the purpose and scope of data collection and the further processing and use of data by Facebook, as well as your rights and settings options for protecting your privacy at address

information about the device that the User connected to the Services and set as camera ("Camera") (like its resolutions, if it has zoom, etc.) and Camera status (if it is online, battery level, etc.);

images captured by the Camera in low resolution (less then 0.2MPx) and information about these images (like date and time of the shot);

information about sharing between Users;

geolocation information ("Location data") about the position of the Camera.

We collect Personal and Other Information only if the User voluntarily submits such information to the Services. The User can always refuse to provide such Information.

We do not store images captured by the User's camera in high resolution, except when the User decides to download such an image to his/her device set up as monitor ("Monitor"). After downloading such an image it is automatically deleted from our server if there is no technical error.

We never store any video and audio generated by Users.

Location data

Location data (geographical position of the Camera and Monitor) are used only when the User turns on the function "Turn off when I am nearby" ("Nearby").

When the User turns on this feature, the application periodically (about once per 10 minutes) checks and stores geolocation data of the Camera. In addition, the Monitor periodically (about once per a minute) requests geolocation data of the Monitor and checks if it is close to the Camera.

We store only the location of the Camera. The location of the Monitor is not stored anywhere. We do not share the location of the Camera (or Monitor) with any third party.

The app collects location data to enable the Nearby feature even when the app is closed or not in use.

The User can turn off the Nearby feature anytime to prevent the Camera or Monitor devices from checking for location. This can be done from the Camera settings.

Purpose of collecting Personal and Other Information

We collect and use Personal and Other Information to be able to provide the Service in a proper manner and to enhance User experience. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to provide the Service.

The email address Users provide is used as a unique identifier of the User. We do not send emails to this address except as a response to User's requests or questions or when required by law. We do not sell, trade, or rent User's Personal and Other Information to anyone. We may use third party Service Providers to help us operate the Service. You agree that we may share your information with these third parties for those limited purposes. We do our best to keep your Personal and Other Information safe and private.

How Personal and Other Information is used by the business and/or by any third parties

We may employ third-party companies and individuals to facilitate our Services, to provide the Services on our behalf, to perform Services-related services or to assist us in analyzing how our Services are used. These third parties have access to your Personal and Other Information only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.

We may use third-party Service Providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Services. We use Google Analytics and Firebase (provided by Google). For information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page:

Where we store Personal and Other Information

All Personal and Other Information we collect is securely stored using third-party service Google Firebase. You consent to having your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States.

All Personal and Other Information is communicated securely via HTTPS protocol.

How can User review and delete Personal and Other Information

The User can always review Personal and Other Information by using the Services and checking his/her data. To delete Personal and Other Information, User can delete his/her account from the Services, which removes all Personal and Other Information from the Services.

User can also ask us to delete his/her account and all Personal and Other Information via email address

Web browser cookies

Our web site may collect cookies to enhance User experience and to personalize content and adverts. The User can always block providing cookies in his/her web browser. In this case, some parts of the Service may not work as intended. Full version of the cookie policy can be found here.

Your acceptance of this Privacy Policy

By using this Site, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, you cannot use the Service. This Privacy Policy can be updated at any time; if so, we always put a new date of revision at the bottom of this page. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to check this Privacy Policy periodically and be aware of changes. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via email