Flexible devices

Flexible devices bring many conventional electronics or mechanical systems just on top of human body. Such wearable devices can transform our daily lives: 24 hours of heart beat or sugar level monitoring, contact lens smart phones, tattoo RF antennas, etc. As human body consists of both rigid (bones) and soft (muscle, fat, organs) parts, perhaps the most powerful devices would be consists of both rigid and soft parts as well. The market, as well as the application areas, for flexible devices is exploding in every minute.

The grand challenges in flexible devices are the performance, price, reliability, and compatibility with existing silicon based electronics. In addition, many are working on to develop novel soft materials with various functionalities, i.e. piezoelectric, triboelectric, magnetic, etc.

NanoMAD Lab is working on the development of 1) high-efficiency flexible heaters, 2) multi-functional flexible tactile sensors, and 3) functional polymer materials based MEMS and microbots.

유연소자는 기존의 딱딱한 실리콘 기반의 전자/반도체 소자를 보다 우리의 몸에 가깝게 해줍니다. 이는 즉 우리가 인지하지 못하는 상황에서도 우리의 몸에 밀착되어 건강을 모니터링해주거나, 미세먼지 농도를 측정해주며, 양손을 자유롭게 움직이며 전화통화 나아가서는 인터넷 서핑도 가능케 할것입니다.

나노소재 및 소자 연구실에서는 많은 유망 응용분야중 유연 발열히터, 로봇적용을 위한 다기능 촉각센서, 그리고 압전/초전 효과를 지닌 다양한 유연소재 연구를 통하여 향후 의료 및 로봇분야에 적용을 목표로 하고 있습니다.