Classroom Expectations

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Dear Families,

We are so excited for the upcoming school year at PRES! This is just a glimpse at some of the expectations and classroom management information that we will be using this year. For more detailed information, please check out our website throughout the school year.

Third Grade Classroom Expectations

I am a firm believer that students need to make decisions about their behavior and take responsibility for their choices. I strive for a positive learning environment in the classroom, where children have an opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed. I expect the students to follow the rules and respect me and each other at all times.

1. Please treat me with the same respect I treat you.

2. Feel free to do anything that doesn’t cause a problem for anyone else.

3. If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it.

4. If you can’t solve the problem, or choose not to, a solution will be figured out collaboratively.

5. Solutions depend on the special person and the special situation.

3rd Grade Behavior System:

Starting the first week of school, students will be actively involved in a year-long economy unit in which they earn credits and debits for their behavior. The activity is cross-curricular since students are learning major economic concepts, as well as using math skills on a daily basis.

Credits are earned for following rules, showing good character, putting extra effort into school work, and being responsible. Debits are given to students when they break classroom expectations in our community of learners. At the end of each pay period, students add up their credits and subtract their debits to calculate their weekly total.

The students will keep track of their “money” using their behavior calendar. Since credit and debits will be earned/lost daily, parents MUST initial beside the behavior on the calendar. This way, parents will be informed daily on their student’s choices.

Rewards and Consequences:

*Students may purchase Classroom Coupons or visit the Classroom Store using their money earned.

We will be using the following system:

  • Super Student/PRES Pride- Outstanding Day (Credit $3.00)

  • Awesome Behavior-Way to go! (Credit $2.00)

  • Ready to Learn- Ready to Learn (Credit $1.00)

  • Think About It –Make better choices (no debit or credit)

  • Teacher's choice- Teacher will choose a consequence that matches the behavior. (debit $1.00)

  • Parent Contact- Parent Contact (debit $2.00)

“Think Sheet”/phone call/conference

Students will start out with $5.00 at the beginning of the school year.