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How to Have Whiter Teeth naturally

For many people, having white teeth can be a big boost in confidence, and often having colored teeth brings about low self-esteem. Having colored teeth can cause people to not feel as great, and without proper oral care, this can often cause your teeth to look discolored otherwise. It is everyone’s goal to have white teeth, and there is a perception out there from many, even including a dentist, that you have to go to them to have your teeth whitened. However, there are many services out there, and while they can be expensive, there are some cheaper ways to have natural white teeth. These few ways can help you, and you’ll be able to learn more about them below.

The first, is to have good oral hygiene period. You should brush and floss at least two times a day, since it will get rid of all the food particles that are left after eating. These remains could bring plaque that contribute to staining of your teeth, and you should get rid of this by flossing it. You should make sure that you get all surfaces and the molars. This alone can really help you have the whitest teeth possible.

You should also change your diet up. You don’t have to do a ton, but if you’re having sugar, it can cause more staining of your teeth. It’s the same with lots of coffee, tea, and wines. If you do have these, make sure to brush every single time. However, there are a few things that you can include, and those are crunchy foods. You should have apples, celery, and carrots. These act as a natural toothbrush, since you have to have strong teeth to chew them, but along with that is the fact that you will also be able to get rid of the stains on your teeth since you’ll be able to get rid of the bacteria in the mouth as well. You will be able to naturally scrub your mouth by making sure that you have these in your diet.

Finally, the quality of your toothpaste definitely matters here as well. For many people, they tend to go with the cheap options, but they can often stain your teeth, and they don’t really give you white teeth and end up making them worse. You should focus on more natural toothbrushes, such as baking soda.

Another thing that you can consider is having baking soda mixed with fresh lemon juice. Before you brush with the mixture, you should wipe all saliva from your mouth. After you sip it, let it sit in your mouth for at least a minute or so, you then can brush it and then spit it out. You can then drink some water to help make sure that you do have all of it gone.

You shouldn’t have this mixture in your mouth for too long in order to prevent it from causing erosion in your enamel. However, if you do this, you’ll be able to have shiny teeth as well.

Having good oral hygiene is certainly one of the easiest ways, and if you aren’t already seeing a dentist, it’s recommended that you go to your dentist Santa Clarita in order to do so. They can help clean up your teeth, making sure that they are sparkly and clean, and from there, they’ll be able to help get you back on track if you already don’t have healthy teeth. However, once you do have healthy teeth, you’ll be able to definitely improve the whiteness of them with these natural ways. And best of all, none of these cost a ton of money, but rather they only take a little bit of time, and some dedication in order to really get the results from this.

Having white teeth is something that everyone covets, and this article went over the exact ways to ensure that your teeth are whiter than ever. By doing this, you’ll be able to have the best and whitest teeth possible, and teeth that even you will be happy about, and ones that make you have a totally winning and a totally amazingly white smile.

Types Of Teeth Whitening Options You Can Go For

It is not uncommon to think about getting your teeth whitened when you look into the mirror. The matter of fact is that the number of people getting their teeth whitened has increased dramatically. With this high demand, the production of teeth whitening products has also gone up. Good news is that the teeth whitening products available now days are non-invasive and highly effective. In the past, the available solutions had been quite abrasive. Now, the solutions are safe enough to be used by virtually anyone.

In this this article, we are going to discuss about the types of teeth whitening solutions available but first, it may be worth mentioning the reasons for the tooth discoloration. The causes are:

  • Smoking
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Drinking coffee and tea
  • Consumption of sodas
  • Eating fruits with dark pigments
  • Eating red-colored sauces

Now, we are going to discuss the options that you can consider for whitening of your teeth.

Toothpaste and mouth rinse for teeth whitening

Toothpastes that you can use to whiten your teeth are mildly abrasive. And mouthwashes use hydrogen peroxide which acts as a bleaching agent. While both of these items are abrasive at some extent, their compositions don’t really hurt the structure of teeth. They are made to remove the stains only. Even if you use both of these items on daily basis, you are not going to get your teeth demineralized.

Whitening strips and chewing gums

The relation between chewing gum and whitening of teeth is generally indirect. The basic job of sugar-free chewing gum is to stimulate the production of saliva. This saliva doesn’t only help in the removal of plaque but it also re-mineralizes the teeth. The production companies have produced the types of chewing gums that are coated with whitening materials. So, that type of chewing gum may actually help the whitening of your teeth.

Another at-home whitening treatment that you can go for is the use of whitening strips. One side of these strips is usually coated with the whitening gel which comes in contact with the teeth’s surface. You can use these strips for 30 minutes in a day and continue doing that only daily basis for a couple of weeks.

Whitening trays

Another option that you can go for at home is the use of whitening trays. Over-the-counter whitening trays are available from any drugstore and you don’t need any prescription from the dentist in order to use those trays. Those trays are usually filled with whitening gel and you need to wear those trays like mouth guard.

Another type of whitening trays is the one that you get prepared at the dentist office. These are the trays that use special gels provided by the dentist. Those gels may be a bit more abrasive but then, they are going to be safe for you. Those trays fit on the teeth accurately. It means that the gel in the trays is not going to leak and interact with the gums.

In-office teeth whitening

The most effective option for teeth whitening is to get your teeth whitened in the dental office. Specialists with special tools and whitening ingredients are going to whiten your teeth in just an hour. This whitening should last a year but you can ensure its extra longevity by taking good care of your oral hygiene.

Taking Care of Your Oral Cavity after Tooth Extraction

Before getting your tooth extracted, you may be concerned about a lot of things because it is a surgical process which leads to the loss of a part of your body.

A few years ago, tooth extraction had been very painful and a precursor to a number of other oral health complications. Good news is that the advancements in the dental medicine and good training have made this surgical process easier on the patients in a number of ways. Not only this procedure itself is less painful, but it has become quite easier to maintain the integrity of other teeth surrounding the area of extracted tooth.

When you go for the extraction, your dentist is going to numb the area with the help of anesthesia. Your dentist will instruct you about taking care of your teeth and surgery site after the surgery is over. Remember, small amount of bleeding is nothing to worry about. However, you surely need to be concerned about the excessive bleeding.

At home, you will have to make sure that you are not doing anything that could affect the healing process. For instance, you will need to avoid brushing and rinsing your mouth for at least 24 hours. Clot formation starts soon after the surgery; so you don’t want that clot to be dislodged. Make sure that you are absolutely avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption.

After 24 hours, the clot should get hardened enough to allow you to rinse your mouth gently. You will need to continue rinsing only for the first few days. In order to contain the pain, you can apply ice pack on the face right above the surgery site. That will help you find some relief from pain and swelling in the area.

You can clean other teeth using toothpaste and toothbrush but make sure that you are not cleaning the teeth next to the surgery site, or socket. The reason is that cleaning teeth next to the socket can lead to dry socket. Dry socket occurs when the clot form in the surgery site is dislodged. It can lead to extreme pain and infection in the area. It takes more time for the dry socket to heal.

If the dry socket has occurred in the surgery site, your dentist may decide to put a medicated dressing in the socket. This medicated dressing accelerates the healing process and reduces the pain. The dressing needs to be changed on daily basis until the socket heals and pain subsides. In order to provide relief to the pain, your dentist may suggest you ibuprofen or aspirin.

Connection between Body Weight and Dental Health

It is a well-known fact that what you eat can have its effects on your body weight. But do you know that it can also impact your dental health as well?

A study suggests that people with extra weight have poorer oral health. The research also shows that overweighed people are six times more likely at the risk of developing gum disease. The major reason is that this extra weight causes inflammation in the body. This inflammation can result in the gum disease.

Now, sugar seems to be the most prominent food that can result in poor oral health and extra body weight. But there are other foods as well that can lead a person to have same set of problems. Good news is that the foods that you can eat to maintain your smile are the same that can help you keep your body in shape and your weight under control.


When it comes to maintaining your overall health, you need to make sure that you are having the intake of plenty of water. Whether it is the lubrication of your joints, carrying of oxygen throughout the body or boosting of your skin, water intake helps in every aspect. If you are getting fluoridated water, you can ensure proper strengthening of your teeth’s enamel. It also flushes the excess amount of sugar and other food particles in order to avoid cavities. If you have a problem of bad breath or dry mouth, you can reduce the intensity of problem by having water intake.

Foods rich in vitamins

There are plenty of foods which are rich in vitamins. Leafy greens, beans and almonds are the prominent ones in this regard. There are many functions which the vitamins can do in order to keep your health in good shape. General benefit of vitamins is that they help you keep the bones strong. It means that your teeth are also going to be stronger. Furthermore, vitamins along with other minerals can be quite beneficial for your tooth enamel. When it comes to keeping your weight under control, vitamins work as catalysts which can break the proteins and fats to make a fuel of them. This fuel or energy boosts the body health.


Cheese can be a super-food for your mouth because it has the capability to fight acid which can cause enamel erosion. Moreover, cheese is a healthy fat which never causes extra body weight.

Green tea

The major characteristic of green tea is that it is loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants help in keeping the body weight under control. As a matter of fact, this food item can actually help you reduce the body weight. From the perspective of dental health, green tea is beneficial because antioxidants in it can fight bad bacteria. It can also reduce plaque. If you want green tea to be ultimately beneficial for your health, you need to make sure that you are avoiding the use of sweeteners.

How Often Does Your Child Wear a Mouthguard and Helmet?

Out of all people who end up injuring their teeth and mouths, can you guess which age group does it the most?

If you guessed kids (and specifically those who are 7 to 10), then you were spot on. Basketball and baseball actually cause the most mouth injuries in this age group, and it comes as no surprise considering they’re two of the most popular organized sports in all of athletics for children that age.

Obviously, when it comes to our own kids we wish we could protect them from every little scratch. But since that’s not possible, we’re left to worry about impending injuries. The good thing is that there are ways to protect your child’s mouth.

Make them wear a mouthguard during sports

This shouldn’t be an option for your kids. Just like you can make your children eat whatever meals, ground them for being bad, or limit their time gaming at night, you can also make them wear a mouthguard. And honestly, this will reduce their chances of damaging their mouth by SIXTY times. That’s absolutely crazy to think about and makes mouth injuries virtually impossible so long as the mouthguard fits and is worn at all times during the sport. Not only should you make your kids wear one; you should also highly encourage your kid’s sports team to make mouthguards mandatory.

Encourage the use of helmets

When it comes to baseball and football, your kids have to wear helmets at practice and in games. That’s good. But you should also encourage your kids (i.e., make them) wear helmets while not at practice or in a game, too. Even if they’re just playing a pick up game with other friends or riding a bike, helmets should still be worn.

Chat with them about it

It helps to tell your kids exactly why a mouthguard and helmet is mandatory. If you list off reasons and how it prevents them from their teeth breaking or being jammed up in their sockets, they may be a lot more leary of not wearing protective gear. Give them a chance to explain why they don’t like wearing it, but then tell them that the pros of a helmet and mouthguard far outweigh the cons of wearing them. Eventually it’ll click for them.

Children will take their safety more seriously when they understand it. They may also help other children by modeling the right behavior and explaining it to the neighbors in a way they understand. This is the best part of it all, really, because once they get it, they’ll want their friends to get it too.

The Foods You WANT to Eat When You Have Braces

Braces wearers everywhere probably get tired of hearing the same old things over and over and over: “Avoid eating hard candies and sticky foods!” It probably gets to the point where they eat these sorts of foods in defiance just because a bazillion people have already reiterated those words alone.

The thing is, there’s a good reason so many people repeat that advice, and it’s because those who are new to braces think they’re invincible and it won’t affect them. Yet after eating something they shouldn’t have, complications begin to occur with the wiring or rubber bands in their braces, which means they take longer to do their job and more dental visits (and expenses!) occur as a result.

But how many people advise what foods are great for those who wear braces? I don’t often see many people talking about the types of foods that are perfect for more sensitive dental situations such as braces, so I took it upon myself to gather up some common (and yummy) foods that are absolutely perfect for the average brace face out there who’s just as hungry as the rest of us.

Read along to check out the best foods to eat if you happen to have some metal in your mouth.


Rejoice, because pasta is so perfect for you if you have braces. I’m not really sure who in their right mind would hate having an extra plate of pasta per day if it means avoiding the “bad” foods for braces wearers. From spaghetti and macaroni and cheese to ravioli and alfredo, there are so many great pastas out there to cycle through and enjoy with no risk to your braces whatsoever.

PBJ & other easy to make sandwiches

First off, these take no effort or time to put together as a “meal.” Secondly, they’re tasty and take you back to the time you were a child. Whether you’re making a deli sandwich with some cheese and mustard on it or the classic PB&J, you don’t have much to worry about in terms of harming your braces.

Yogurt and soft fruits

Whether combined or separate, these are some very healthy choices for your diet and your mouth. Munch on these as snacks or parts of a complete meal and you’re doing your body a favor in more ways than one!

Mashed potatoes

These are admittedly my favorite item on this list. I don’t know what it is about mashed potatoes, but they’re one of the best dishes of all time as a side. Heck, I’m known to even make some just to put in a bowl and eat as a snack. The best thing about these is that they’re great for sore mouths, meaning you’ll be eating a heck of a lot of mashed potatoes when you first get your braces fixed on.

Dental Health and Tobacco

Pretty much everyone knows by now how bad tobacco products are on your health. Cigarettes can kill, and so can chew. We’ve heard these things for awhile, and even the people buying the products know how harmful they are to their bodies (yet they continue to buy them anyway thanks to addictive chemicals).

But the thing is, did you know how serious some of the negative effects tobacco has on your health are? It can damage the soft and hard tissues of your mouth, causing things like oral cancer, gum disease, tooth decay, and even receding gums.

It certainly doesn’t help knowing that 69 of the chemicals in cigarettes contain cancer-causing agents. And every time you inhale before exhalation, the smoke lingers inside your mouth, which directly affects your mouth. It can reduce the blood flow to your gums, reduces the vitamin C levels, and raises the temperature in the mouth which can damage certain cells.

Outside of all that, smoking also causes bad breath, stained teeth, can dull your taste and smell, and will even delay the healing properties upon mouth trauma. All of that is just extra bad news on top of the main cause for concern.

The thing is, smokeless tobacco, like chew, is just as bad for you as smoking. It has all the harmful chemicals that cigarettes have, yet they stay in your mouth even longer and can come into contact with your teeth and gums for a longer period of time. This causes even faster tooth decay, oral cancer, and gum disease. The only statistic that you truly need to know, though, is that smokeless tobacco users are 50 times more likely to develop oral cancer than those who don’t use smokeless tobacco. That’s pretty much a guarantee that you’ll get oral cancer at some point along your life.

The other thing to consider that smoking and smokeless tobacco is chronic bad breath. All the tar, nicotine, and other harmful substances remain in your mouth every time you inhale or put some chew in your lip. This ends up causing a foul smelling breath while also drying your mouth out. Without the regular saliva you should have in your mouth, bacteria gets away with pretty much anything and doesn’t have to worry about being washed away.

All in all, the negative effects that smoking and smokeless tobacco causes are plenty. While they absolutely wreak havoc on your mouth, they do even more damage to your overall health at large.