Registration & Info

The registration deadline is April 30th, 2023.

Registration Fee

The registration fee is:

Payment has to be submitted through a bank transfer to the following account:

Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

IBAN: ES39 2095 0292 9132 3900 0567


Bank name: Kutxabank

Subject: HAPDEGMT23 'Name-Surname'

Upon making the payment, please email the payment certificate to the organizers (hapdegmtbilbao 'at' gmail 'dot' com ), in order to finalize your registration process. Kindly be advised that payment of the fee is required in order for the registration process to be considered complete.

The registration fee only includes admission to the conference and coffee breaks. Additional details regarding the conference dinner will be provided at a later time.

Short talks

Applications are now open for PhD students and postdocs who are interested in delivering a 15-minute talk at our upcoming conference. To apply, please fill in the registration form and then send an email to the organizers (hapdegmtbilbao 'at' gmail 'dot' com ) including the title and abstract of your talk, along with a copy of your CV. The deadline is March 31st, 2023. 

Accommodation for PhD students

Due to the high demand and low availability, we have filled all the available rooms for graduate students at Colegio Mayor Miguel de Unamuno.

Thus, we kindly ask participants to make their own lodging arrangements for the duration of the conference.

However, we wanted to point out that there are two dormitories in Bilbao where individual rooms can be booked for a convenient fare. The dormitories are:



They are both conveniently located in Bilbao and, in case you want, you can proceed with your own booking by selecting the "Accommodation for days" section. Please note that hotels are in high demand during the days of the conference!