Why did you choose to play a part in Grimms’ Tales They Never Told You?
I chose to write the script for the play because I wanted to learn about the process of staging a play, i.e. bringing words from script to stage in a theater, including technical aspects as well as the various roles of people contributing off-stage to a production. I also needed to get an annoyance off my chest, so I packaged it into the plot of the frame story. Venting with words, so to speak.


What is your favourite fairy tale?

A Polish folk tale from Masuria, The Frog Princess. It is known in multiple versions of various Eastern European and Nordic origins. It was published by Antoni Jósef Gliński, who was to Poland what the Brothers Grimm were to Germany.


Because it reverses the gender roles – an idea I like playing with. Why should there only be a Frog Prince? I also like it because it uses just about every literary device that’s typical of fairy tales.


Why did you choose to play a part in Grimms’ Tales They Never Told You?
I always approach directing as a privilege. Even more so when the author is local. I had the privilege and pleasure of working with Margarete when I played Bronia, Marie Curie’s sister, in a play Margarete had written. So when she said she had written a play about the Grimm Brothers, I was very keen to be involved.


What is your favourite fairy tale?

Hmm…, I'll have to think about that. I'm a bit of a cynic, so... I think it has to be The Salt Princess, the story of the princess who compared her father to salt. I didn’t realise it was by the Grimm Brothers.



For me it shows how a simple thing can change everything. And how jumping to conclusions without understanding makes fools of us all. Just like in real life.


Why did you choose to play a part in Grimms’ Tales They Never Told You?
I am looking forward to being part of Grimms’ Tales retelling. Margarete has selected some extraordinary, sharp, horrendous tales which may leave us wiser or at least asking: ‘Where do stories come from?’

What is your favourite fairy tale?
I hated fairy stories when I was a child! If supernatural powers were to exist, I preferred them to involve talking animals, so Doctor Doolittle was a favourite. I also had a colourful book of illustrated Greek myths that I liked. 

The Greek mythology book had a unique and powerful smell, which encouraged the memory of the stories.


Why did you choose to play a part in Grimms’ Tales They Never Told You?
As a child, I had a beautiful illustrated copy of Grimms' Fairy Tales. I now realise what sanitised, almost 'Disneyfied', versions those were! I was initially intrigued by Margarete's research into the genesis of the tales, and when I read the script, I was very keen to be a part of bringing this presentation to life. The dark and macabre side of Germanic folklore, as originally gathered by the Brothers Grimm in the early 19th century, has been progressively lightened up for modern audiences and children. I find it grimly satisfying to shine a light into the gloomiest corners of this traditional storytelling work.

What is your favourite fairy tale?
First I had to set aside my feminist scruples for this question. The female 'goodies' in fairy tales are usually so drippy, waiting to be rescued by a passing man, and the female 'baddies' are usually the eternal tropes of witch or stepmother!

So, curling up my toes and clenching my fingers, Cinderella is a good yarn after all: the poor mistreated stepdaughter is freed by magic for a good night out, and proceeds to snaffle the most eligible man in the kingdom and live happily ever after - yay!


Why did you choose to play a part in Grimms’ Tales They Never Told You?
The production is different in style and content to what we usually do, so I found it interesting to be a part of it. Also, I enjoy the art of storytelling. Therefore the opportunity to do this was not to be missed.

What is your favourite fairy tale?

There are many layers to this story – good winning over evil, the successful helping the less than successful to win out, circumstance playing a part in our lives.


Why did you choose to play a part in Grimms’ Tales They Never Told You?
My decision to take part in this production was easy! I'd suffered a prolonged absence from the stage and was thrilled to get a chance to perform again. Also, the concept of revealing the real stories behind the sanitised fairy tales we are so accustomed to hearing was intriguing.

What is your favourite fairy tale?

My favourite fairy story is Oscar Wilde's The Selfish Giant.


To me this is a real classic. Wilde never reveals the identity of the mystery child, but one can guess. It's guaranteed to make me cry a little every time I read it.


Why did you choose to play a part in Grimms’ Tales They Never Told You?
As a lover of Grimms’ Fairy Tales as a child I was keen to be involved. I had dug out my version from childhood when I was pregnant with my son and read them out aloud. Although my version appeared to be mildly censored - as I have now come to learn -, I was still quite surprised at how grisly they were. However I have always had a fascination with the macabre and never been keen on sugar-coated stories with sickly sweet ‘Happily Ever Afters’. 

What is your favourite fairy tale?

There are so many, it’s hard to choose. But I love the works of Frances Hodgson Burnett. The Secret Garden held captivation and wonderment for me.



Set in the Yorkshire Moors near my hometown, I often wondered if I would happen upon a secret garden when visiting my father’s bee hives dotted around the moors and little villages. Imagining I was on an adventure and what I might find, used to make the trips far more exciting!


Why did you choose to play a part in Grimms’ Tales They Never Told You?
I take every opportunity to get on the stage, and this take on fairy tales sounded very intriguing. 

What is your favourite fairy tale?
I have a few favourites, but one in particular is The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde.

I love it because it is so ‘beautifully’ sad. It is an emotional story with a sad but also happy ending.


Why did you choose to play a part in Grimms' Tales They Never Told You?
I had been looking to involve myself in groups or projects where I could play the piano for quite a while, so when my piano teacher brought up the chance I jumped at the opportunity. This is a great experience for me, and it isn't something that one would come across easily. I try to get involved in all areas of music, and this is my way of branching out. 

What is your favourite fairy tale?

Probably an Ecuadorian folktale called La leyenda de Cantuña - The legend of Cantuña.



Because it is about a man named Cantuña who works smart, not hard. He manages to trick the devil into building a church without being able to take his soul in exchange.