
Dear visitor, if you have pictures of Marshall at NVC events that you'd like to contribute (and we would enjoy posting) to this photo gallery, please email them to:

1: Orchidea Lodge, Wasserfallenhof, Switzerland

4: Workshop with Israelis & Palestinians in Switzerland (1991)

14: St. Petersburg, Russia, 1991

13: Israelis & Palestinians in Switzerland (1991)

2: St. Petersburg, Russia,  1991

3: Stockholm 1993, representatives from Israel, Russia, Marshall Rosenberg & Towe Widstrand

5:  Marshall Rosenberg

6: Baseball - Sweden (1992?)

7: IIT Sweden,  2000

8: Africa

9: Africa

10: Africa

11: Africa

12: Africa

Holley Humphrey, Dee Klockow, Marshall Rosenberg, unknown and Marcelline Brogli, San Diego, circa 1990

15: Zermatt, Switzerland, 1998 Towe  Widstrand & Holley H. Humphrey discussing becoming NVC trainers

16: Holley H. Humphrey & Marshall Zermatt, Switzerland, 1998

17: Stockholm, Marshall's 60th Birthday, 

October 6, 1994, born October 6, 1934

18: IIT Corona, CA, 1998

19: In Stockholm (1990)

20: Darold Milligan, Arnina Kashtan, Marshall Rosenberg, Towe Widstrand & Alex Censor (Corona IIT, 1998)

21: Marshall & Darold Milligan

22:  IIT Denmark, 1997

23: Israelis & Palestinians in Switzerland (1991)

24: During a Break at an IIT in Sweden, 2000

25: Marshall's 60th Birthday Party, October 6th

26: First Giraffe Convention, St. Petersburg (1996)

27: Marshall & Hilde Rappaport-Eccles

28: Workshop with Israelis & Palestinians (1991)

29: Marshall regaining energy in nature

30: Marshall playing the guitar at a workshop

31: An intense moment in a training

32: Educator Institute, Bellingham, WA

34: Marshall as a moose

35: San Diego Airport: Workshop participant, Marcelline & Marshall

36: Workshop Participants, Marshall Rosenberg & Marcelline Brogli

37: Dmitri Ronzin, Towe Widstrand, St. Petersburg, 1992

38: Jorge Rubio & Marshall, Sweden, Midsummer Eve, 2000

39: Josephina Ryde & Leon Levin, 1991 

40: Christa Morf & unknown participant, Switzerland, 1992

41: Meri Shapiro, Arnina Kashtan, Danny Kropf, Israel, 2000

42: Ofer, Israel, 2000

43: Danny Kropf & Meri Shapiro, 2000

44: Annie Muller, 1988

45: Standing Ewa Widegren and Birgitta Westerberg

Sitting Nada, Ava, woman from Israel, Towe, Pascale Molho, Holley Humphrey. Giraffe around the world event, 1996

46: Gary Baran, Towe Widstrand, Darold Milligan, Marshall, Susan Skye, Rita Herzog, & Kelly Bryson, IIT in Corona, CA

47: IIT in Sweden, Leena Maja Hurme next to Marshall, 2000

48: IIT in Sweden, 2000

49: Marshall signing trainer agreements, 1996?

50: Marshall signing trainer agreements & newly certified trainers, 1996?

51: Gina Lawrie & Towe Widstrand, initated 1st trainer convention, Sweden, 2000 

52: 4th of July, 2000, Sweden: Towe Widstrand, Gary Baran, Barb Larson, Rita Herzog

53: Ike Lasater and John Kinyon, IIT Sweden, 2000 

54: IIT UK, 1995, Marshall Rosenberg, Pascale Molho, Leonard, Towe Widstrand, Nada, Christa Morf        

55. San Diego, 1989, Yuval Dor, Marshall Rosenberg, Dee Klokow, Leon Levin

56. Dogging for your needs? San Diego, 1989?

57. Atlanta IIT, at the Mountain Retreat Center, 2007

58. 1989? Kelly Bryson, Darold Milligan, Rita Herzog, Robert Gonzales, Dee Klocow

59. Marshall & Jackal Puppet (date unknown)

    Marcelline Brogli bringing NVC to San Diego schools.

Marshall Rosenberg, a rare photo of him in a suit: Denmark IIT, 1998