
Click on the link to choose an option to complete this week.

Can you solve the riddle?

Great job to those of you who tried to solve the riddle. The answer to this week's riddle was...A SPIDER.

I can jump, I can swim, I swing from tree to tree and I make a house much bigger than myself. What am I?

Start a chain reaction...

Work together as a family to create a chain reaction device that drops a bar of soap. My tech team designed a chain reaction device to turn off a light and ring a doorbell. What can you come up with? Your device should be built out of household items and recyclables. Check out the link below for more information.

Our school has a subscription to Science Spin magazine. There is a different edition each month. Students can go online to read the magazine, watch videos, play a game, and do activities. The password is smiley1234.

Explore a wide range of topics through this digital media database. Students can learn about animals, plants, space, or any science topic of their choice. The videos are all educational and can be filtered by grade level.