Brief CV

I was born in Barcelona (Spain) some years ago. I was happily living in Torino (Italy) betwen 2016 - 2021 when I moved to Barcelona to give birth of twins... and I am still in Barcelona!

 This is a brief CV, (for a longer version download a more complete CV here or just go to Linkedin):

I studied Mathematics (a 5 years degree) at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC (Barcelona, Spain).

I continued my studies at the same faculty (Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística, FME) and university (UPC) and I did my Master’s Degree in Mathematical Engineering, specialized in Biomedical sciences modelling.

My master's project is titled: Expectation Maximization for phylogenetic trees (original title: Expectation Maximization per a arbres filogenètics) supervised by Marta Casanellas. Awarded with Évariste Galois Prize 2013.

During these years I obtained PhD in Applied Mathematics by UPC [cum laude], in Computational & Mathematical Biology. It was supervised by Tomas Alarcón in Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM). PhD title dissertation: Evolutionary dynamics of populations with genotype-phenotype map

Personal project.

Ok... I did a trip around the world during 7 months (if you want to know more I have a blog, it is not finished yet...).

I worked in a company as Data Scientist in Barcelona. 

Summing up, I participated in different projects mainly doing: time-series and prediction analysis, creating databases and modelling client segmentation.

I moved to Italy, more specifically to Torino at ISI Foundation, where I have had a postdoc position in the ADnD: Algebraic-topological Detection of neurodegenerative Diseases, with Giovanni Petri as a principal research in the group. Topological Data Analysis is so cool!

Personal project.  I did a trip around the world (again) during 7 months (if you want to know more I have a blog, and this is finished!).

Apart from my main job I was an assistant professor at UOC: