
ESTC 2019

Important information regarding the registration process:

If you want to attend to both conferences, it is necessary to fill the registration forms for each one of them separately. The same applies for the payment, each one of them should be done separately having in mind that the reason of payment code listed below is different for both of the meetings.

Important: Recall that the registration fee is in Euros, so if you are transfering the money from outside the EU, you might have to transfer more or less depending on your local currency.

Registration is open now and organised as follows:

  • Registration fee until 25th of June: 150 Euro.
  • Last minute registration (on-site): After the 25th of June the fee is 250 Euro.

Invited speakers and master students are exempt from the fee. If you belong to one of these groups please indicate so during the registration process.

If you wish to attend, please click here to go to the registration page.

The registration fee should be transfer to the following bank account:

Bank's name: Raiffeisenlandesbank NĂ–-Wien

Bank's account holder: University of Vienna

Bank's account number: 00000 675 447

IBAN: AT08 3200 0000 0067 5447


Reason for payment: DP505001 + First Name+ Last name

When making the payment, please give all the information above! Otherwise it might be difficult to confirm it.

In case you live in a non-EU country, we recommend online services like Transferwise to make the transfer. If you are in the United States, for instance, the cost for the transfer is around 2 dollars.

Your registration will be confirmed via email as soon as we get a confirmation of the transfer.

Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!