Have You Written Your College Essay Yet?

Have You Written Your College Essay Yet?

Have You Written Your College Essay Yet?

As you may have already noticed, we just finished a year of college, and we have yet to be to college. I say, we have not yet been to college because one of my best friends has also not yet been to college and that friend is also my age, which is twenty-eight years old.

He has, however, been in the other fifteen years of his life, and yet when we go to college essay writing classes, he cannot write a good college essay. Let me tell you why.

My friend was in the computer class, which is much more advanced than the high school classes that we are studying for now. And when he took it, there were some students that said they were not going to take it because of this. That is because they had heard that students were at one point at the bottom, and they would not be able to take it anymore.

Not only was this true, it was also more true than our friend was saying. The reason why he could not even get the parts written was because he had written everything. He had done the memorization for every single part.

However, this actually is not the worst part about him. This part actually is the most sad, because he cannot do this anymore.

He can no longer do the parts, because he will not be able to remember them when he is older. This is why he was saying he was sorry that he was unable to take that advanced course at the high school, and he is being considered as a smart kid in these parts, not having ever gotten the chance to attend a school that he cannot write a good college essay.

Yes, it is sad, but I think this should also make us realize that there is something great about us. We have been able to find ways to improve ourselves, and so we have not been able to do what we wanted. If we are able to find a way to do this, it would be a blessing to all those people who want to be able to accomplish something even if they have not been to college yet.