Welcome to the study of Biofield Science and the facilitation of healing

Esoteric Healing Courses

Teacher: Jen Wolffis, MSPT, CPEH

Physical Therapist & Certified Practitioner of Esoteric Healing

Contact Jen at HeartGuidedHealing@gmail.com

Call or text (616) 566-5236 (EST)

photo by Jeremy Bishop - unsplash.com

"Through the healing process, we come to know the depth and breadth of who we truly are as conscious beings, and, as a result, we experience shifts in our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. From this vantage point, healing is not simply curing a disease or mitigating a pesky symptom-although that is possible and certainly does happen. Healing is about reconnecting with the deepest core of who we are-beyond our fears, worries, excitement, to-do lists, medical problems, and roles we play in the world. Healing is that path that realigns us with what many would call our soul, or spirit, or God as well as with the nature that surrounds us. From this view, the path of healing aligns with the path of spiritual liberation as well as social and ecological harmony." (Shamini Jain, Healing Ourselves-Biofield Science and the Future of Health)

I hope you'll join me in an upcoming class as we explore all aspects of healing ourselves and others.

With love and blessings, Jen Wolffis (616) 566-5236 / HeartGuidedHealing@gmail.com


Bridge to Health: Simple Steps to meet your highest potential of Health and Wellness. -- An Introduction to Esoteric Healing

Check out this new class, teaching you to balance the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of yourself, promoting all aspects of wellness. Learn about meditation, your chakras, practice sensing energy and learn to balance the chakras of yourself, your friends and family and even your pets. Click here for info & registration