
My current research focuses on time-series econometrics, model uncertainty/averaging, and shrinkage estimation. My empirical work is exclusively Bayesian. At the moment, I am particularly focused on developing structural time-varying parameter VARMA models for analyzing large macroeconomic time series data. This work is supported by the ARC Discover Project grant DP180102373, Large Dynamic Time-Varying Models for Structural Macroeconomic Inference, with Rodney Strachan and Joshua C. C. Chan.

On this page, you will find copies of my published and working papers. I have also made a commitment to make available the code used in each (future published) paper. All my programs are coded in MATLAB, and I will do my best to honor this commitment. However, the code is intended for information purposes only (for commercial use, prior written permission is required) —it may be at times messy, and with no guarantees that it will work on a system other than my own. I do not provide any form of technical support for this code, and under no circumstances will I or my co-authors be held responsible for anything related to its use in any way. If you do not agree to the above, you do not have permission to download any code available on this website. 

Refereed Journal Publications

Book Chapters

Working Papers