In Fall 2022, I was teaching at the University of Iowa.

Previously, I worked as Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Iowa between 2018-2021.

I received my Ph.D. at Northeastern University in April 2018 under the supervisions of

Gordana Todorov and Jerzy Weyman.

I got my master degree at Bilkent in 2013 under supervision of Alexander Klyachko.

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests:

Algebraic Geometry,  Representation Theory.

Publications & Preprints: 

Ongoing works

Here is the paper of Claus Ringel including an appendix for my syzygy filtration paper.

I post here a note not intended to publish.

Here are some questions that I am interested in.

My talk at Oberwolfach workshop 2307  

Conferences, Workshops, Seminars

Contact Information:

Email: emresen641[at]      emre.sen[at]