Spotlight Alumni

In the Elon University biology department, We take pride in our alumni. We feel the paths taken after time spent at this great university are important to highlight and we want to commend the students that chose to pursue this rigorous path. Our alumni are anywhere from psychologist, to Marine biologists, to criminologists and with that career, variety comes so many amazing stories to report. This page is dedicated to the paths and stories of those alumni, every couple of weeks a new alumnus will be chosen with additional resources highlighting their career path.

Elisson Adrien: The Guide To Med School Through The Hands of Community and Drive For Commitment

Elisson Adrien graduated from Elon University in 2017 with a degree in biology. He was born and raised in Layaye (a village about 18 kilometers from Hinche, the main city of the Central Plateau region of Haiti). From a very young age, he wanted to study medicine. When he got accepted to Elon University, he knew that he would have to major in Biology, to keep his dream alive and passion fired. But how did a boy from a village in Haiti end up at this small school in the middle of North Carolina? Well, The story of his journey here was beautiful, for lack of better words. "My story is one that I am very proud of because it shows how good things can come within the connections between Haitians and Americans." Said Elisson in my email interview with I had with him. In the year 2003 when his church became a parish. Then a year later In 2004, the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception of Memphis TN (IC Haiti Ministry) twinned with his parish as part of the Parish Twinning Program of the Americas (PTPA). Led by Dr. Debra Bartelli, DrPHD, IC Haiti Ministry has been providing financial support for economic development of Elissons's home village of Layaye. They used to visit his village twice a year, but due to travel restrictions in the last couple years they have not visited. In 2007, Dr. John Ryan McGreevy, PhD, who was a freshman at Elon University during the time asked his aunt Dr. Bartelli to bring him to Haiti with her after reading Mountains Beyond Mountains (the common reading for the Elon freshman class at the time). They briefly met during that trip, but Elisson did not know enough English to properly communicate with Dr.McGreevy. Three years later their paths got to cross again... During the winter term of 2010, Dr. McGreevy went back to Haiti to do research on solar cooking. At that time, Elisson was a senior in high school and knew enough English to work with him as a translator and research guide. While walking the dirt paths in the rural Layaye, they conversed about their passions and what they wanted their futures to behold. "I had told him about my dream of becoming a medical doctor. At that time that was fantasy because it was a long shot for a young Haitian orphan who could not even afford to eat every day." Elisson stated when reflecting upon where he was in life at the time. While Dr.McGreevy was still in Haiti, things went from bad to worse when the deadliest earthquake struck Port-au-Prince on January 12th, and most of the universities collapsed. Leaving Elisson with a lack of options. After that, Dr.McGreevy and Elisson revistied the idea of his future again and Dr.McGreevy told him about the possibility of going to school in the United States. "He told me how medical schools work in the U.S. and that Elon did not have a medical school, but I could study pre-med there." Elisson said, as he told what their conversation entailed. Before Dr.McGreevy left, he promised Elisson he would be his fiercest advocate to help him get to Elon... and he was. A year later in 2011, Dr. Bartelli sent Elisson the application form which he filled out and sent back to them. Then a month later he got an email from the admission office to let him know they had received his application. However Dr.McGreevy and Dr. Bartelli weren't the only ones to lend Elisson a helping hand...Dr. Robert Lorsbach, MD, PhD and his family helped him in learning English in Haiti; then welcomed him to their house in Little Rock, AR for 8 months and continue to support him while he was learning English and preparing for the Test Of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) at University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR). Elisson would like to acknowledge he also had so many other supporters... "Besides the people I mentioned previously, I have everyone at IC Haiti Ministry: Dr. Kelly Fish, PhD and his family, Lou Ellen McElmurry, Dr. Lucas Trautman (MD), and family." He states in his interview.

Elisson found his motivation within knowing where he was from and what he would represent in his community. His desire to be a leader and healthcare provider for his community keeps him focused on achieving his dreams. Along with, the passing of his mom in 2008... there were no answers as to what was wrong with her, which boosted his motivation to keep going and find the answers for others before it's too late. "I know she would be very proud to see the man I have become." Elisson acknowledges this as a tribute to his mother and great success. During his time at Elon, Elisson had the opportunity to participate in different service trips such as disaster relief in Long Island, NY, hunger and homelessness in Washington DC, and Mustard Seed Community in Jamaica, etc… When asked to reflect on the experience, Elisson , said "It meant a lot to me because I was always wanting to help others in any capacity I could. I see it as a way to give back a little of the many blessings that I have received over the years. That spirit continues with me till this day and has led to my dedication of doing something for others." Elisson also had many educational opportunities. However, doing his research on the medicinal uses of plants in Rural Haiti and his Internship at Anne Arundel Medical Center (AAMC) in Annapolis, MD have been his favorite ones. During the winter of his junior year, after lots of preparations, he came and spent winter term in two different areas of Haiti to learn about the use of plants as medicine in Haiti. "It was very fascinating to learn what plant they used and how the knowledge is transferred from generations to generations... but also how for most of them that was their only access to medical care when they are sick. Either because they live in remote places, or they do not have the funds necessary to spend for healthcare." Elisson said when asked about his research expierence. With the support of his first-year roommate’s parents, he landed an internship at the prestigious AAMC. A research internship where he had the chance to be present at the hospital as well. He studied the effect of patient portal use on patients’ health... increasing his ambitions on achieving his dreams of becoming a doctor and envisioning how a hospital should be. During his time here at Elon Elisson took intermediate Spanish with Professor April Post during the spring semester of his sophomore year. "Her way of teaching and her understanding of her students of different backgrounds was amazing." Elisson states in awe of her. She had been a very supportive teacher that he could go to talk about anything. Since then, she has continued to be a supporter of his dream of becoming a doctor. "If I ever become a professor, I would want to use her as my model to connect with my students." Elisson stated to acknowledge her long-lasting impact.

Post-graduation Elisson went back home to attend medical school. Once in medical school, he led a couple of mobile medical clinics for people in his community of Layaye and in some of the most remote places surrounding Layaye. "I have learned how difficult it is to do so because it is very costly with getting medications for the people. The needs are great, the willingness is there, but the means to do it effectively is not yet there. While I am nearing the end of medical school, I hope I will be able to find some generous friends who are able to support my goals and help me reach more people with medical needs." Elisson states as a reflection of this experience. While in Medical School Elisson also had the privilege of collaborating with Dr. John McGreevy (Elon’10) while he was doing research for his doctoral dissertation. Their work looks at compound disasters and their effects on livelihoods and people’s abilities to recover. They hope to get this published to shed more light on the resilience of the Haitian people in the face of adversities. He also had the chance to assist Multifaith scholar, Katie Hooker’20 during her research on how Haitian migrants practice their faiths and how they are perceived in the United States , particularly in Miami, FL.

Elisson is from one of the most underserved areas when it comes to any type of infrastructure including healthcare. So What now? Entering the healthcare system will give him the opportunity to bring the most needed healthcare to the people in one of the most rural parts of the country. he sees that he can be a liaison to his community and the outside world. His goal one day is to construct or lead the construction of a full-service hospital to serve the people in the region that could also become a base for public health outreach and public health education for the surrounding areas. Below are pictures elow pictures of Elisson in his uniform and at work. We at Elon University are proud to call him an alum and cant wait to see his dreams come true.

Photo taken during clinical rotations at Saint Nicholas Hospital

Getting ready to see patients at a mobile clinic