Between 2013 and 2016 I visited Udmurtia four times, spending there altogether 11 months. I organised fieldwork trips to several villages in Udmurtia and Tatarstan, collecting material from the Northern, Southern and Southern Peripheral dialects of Udmurt. The elicitation sessions were conducted only in the target language and the stimuli were also monolingual. The collected data have been partly used in my dissertation, which investigates non-finite adverbial subordination in a formal syntactic framework (see Papers). Additionally, part of the collected fieldwork material has been disseminated in the Sound-Aligned Udmurt Corpus, a joint project with Timofey Arkhangelskiy. This open-access corpus documents the spoken/dialectal varieties of Udmurt in contrast to previous corpus-building projects which have mostly focused on the standard variety.

In 2020, Lena Borise and myself conducted an experiment with native speakers of Udmurt at the Research Centre for Linguistics in Budapest. This experiment aimed at investigating the acoustic correlates of stress as well as the prosody of verb clusters and clitics in Udmurt (see Talks and Papers). 

Since 2020, I have been doing online fieldwork with native speakers of Meadow Mari. The goal of the fieldwork is to shed light on DP related phenomena, such as the non-possessive uses of possessive suffixes, nominal ellipsis and sluicing (see Talks).

Left: Spring in Kukmor district, Tatarstan [t], Winter in Balezino district, Udmurtia [b]

Right: Summer in Igra district, Udmurtia