
Perfect for Your Psychology Department

Residency includes:

  • One or more programs such as Using Psychology Games and Activities of Yesteryear to Prepare for our Future targeted to the general campus community to increase the visibility of and interest in your department.
  • One or more programs such as Preparing for Your Career with a Psychology Degree for psychology majors and minors and potential psychology majors and minors to help students prepare for a successful career. While the program is applicable to all students studying psychology the primary focus is on introducing and helping students to prepare for careers outside of the helping professions.
  • Extensive 1:1 and group meetings with students (and potentially faculty and staff as well) on career preparation, resume preparation, interview preparation and succeeding at work.

A typical residency would range from two to four days, but a longer residency would be welcomed. Similarly, doing several residencies back-to-back at several neighboring schools would be considered to pro-rate travel costs.

Students and faculty will find the residency to be applicable, educational, enjoyable, entertaining, useful and a ton of fun!!!