Documenting the Strange Happenings in 

La Plata County Colorado

Gangs, Cults, Programs, Special Relationships and Water Quality 

"Because Mystics Became Gangsters" 

Love Has Won Movement, Heart Symbol Tag, Crestone Colorado

Love Has Won Movement, Ares Symbol Tag, Durango Colorado 

 The Ten Points of the Nuremberg Code

The ten points of the code were given in the section of the verdict entitled 

"Permissible Medical Experiments" : 






#Snow's Map



Water in Conflict, Conflict in Water

Systems, Cycles and Human Geography 


There are few things more terrifying than a real-life dip shit, a simpleton, getting high by huffing poop, armed with a machine gun.  

Skaters call it jenkem, hillbillies call it swap squat, ranchers call it sweet dirt, hippies call it butt hash and Native Americans call it medicine.  What the Marine Corps encountered in Iraq was worse, perfected over centuries, millennia, in a place that harnessed depravity and what it could offer.  

It takes a place, a location as a collection point of death.  In the desert it was a cave, where the canals choked with bodies drained.  The same place had collected those bodies, conflict after conflict.

A few points in history such places have arisen, often to fade away as unsustainable, Verdun in the first world war, the concentration camps of the second.  Monuments often rise, as much a tribute to the lost, as a warning to those who follow.  

Chemistry and biology, once the prized knowledge of the mystics, now demystified by science.  The names have a common theme, ass hat, butt head, shit head, shit for brains, dumb shit, stupid ass, dumb ass, often used as a pejorative rather than a medical condition.  Pejoratives cloud the issue of someone who's drunk water containing sewage.  

A dip shit is something else entirely, someone huffing poop, inhaling Methane to get high.  It’s often associated with the spirit world, to commune with a collective microbiome, used by cults and street gangs to indoctrinate.  The case studies are few, mostly relating to Josef Mengele, the creator of the real-life human centipede.  

Methane, when inhaled, allows the balancing reflex to be handed over to the microbiome, giving skaters a kickflip or Native Americans the ghost dance.  Motion mixes fluids.  As the saying goes, to trust your gut.

Bypassing the mind, the central nervous system and the frontal lobe of consciousness is the hallmark of the dip shit.  As a waking dream, the foggy mind allows for a profound sense of catharsis, providing that oneness of a rave or that unity of a spirit circle.  

Like the Native Americans, the Sunni learned to harness the microbiome, perfect it, and wield its potential for destruction.  Over centuries, as the bodies washed through the desert, along the few paths of running water, the chemicals accumulated, antique sequestered pollutants, like the ponds of an abandoned mine.  The chemicals settled, distilled and fractionated.  

Generation after generation learned from these places, only to join them upon their passing and add to their potency.  The unnaturally occurring chloroform, from salts dissolving in biology, provided quick displacement, disrupting judgement, right at the mouth of its catacombs.  

Like the lost workers of the Paris underground the chloroform resulting from disinfectant chlorine mixing with sewage provided a wealth of speculation and a long list of missing persons.  With the advent of modern science the gaps have been filled in, shining light onto each and every shadow.  

For those harnessing the potential of depravity, such places became a pilgrimage, a right of passage, and the chance to be a vessel for those who came before.  Continuing a cycle of violence, the Sunni of Iraq embraced what those caves had to offer, with more young men.  

Beginning with a meal of moldy bread, providing ergot poisoning, causing fungal meningitis, the foundation of LSD, young Iraqis started a process of neuro linguistic programming, often called NLP.   While recognized as a pseudoscience, and not effective on everyone, NLP can have its intended effects as part of a larger method.

Ritually, young men of the Sunni tribes would continue the process by venturing into those caves, high, poisoned and pressured with their country invaded and their world collapsing.  

The Sunni triangle is rich with disease, toxoplasmosis from livestock, cryptosporidium from tainted water compounding the processes of manipulation.  Rife with the poisoning, disease and purpose, the process continues by encountering the relics of tragedy.  

With a burst of chloroform to cement the ergot, amplified by disease, the youngsters encounter further indoctrination in the form of hieroglyphics.  Babylonian, Latin glyphs, not meant to be read but absorbed with the impaired mind registering the information as emotion, set to be recalled.  

Honed through centuries of suffering, focused with crafted fanaticism and guided by welcoming zealotry so the ethnic cleansing of the Shia began.

The Fedayeen Saddam were the feared enforcers of a feared dictator, with Saddam’s fall they became simply, the fedayeen.  Without the unifying Ba'ath political party to shepherd the tribes, the fighter reverted back to their regional commands.  

Saddam maintained a base of power rooted in the Sunni minority.  Steeped in nepotism, the regime doled out military and civilian position by tribal affiliation.  The fedayeen wore black uniforms, jumpsuits and helmets intentionally designed to resemble Darth Vader’s.

Despite their comical appearance they were death squads, a pickup truck full of young men, sent to execute civilians for a power mad despot.  Those death squads kept the Shia and Sunni where they were, and Saddam where he was.  

The Shia had known the two faces of foreign power.  The British had left such an impression, that they are still the standard to be measured by.  America delivered breathing space in the early nineties, the airstrikes of desert storm pushed Saddam back to Baghdad, and nearly caused an uprising.  

Time and again the same balance reasserted, the great game of world war one pitted the tribes against one another and resolidified the old straight line cutting across the desert.  

The coalition arrived with the same counties that had been there before, the US a decade earlier, the British a century.  Called the strongest tribe, the US went straight for the Ba’athists.  The deck of cards was our own hit list, and the Shia, for the most part, stayed out of the way.  

With old solutions to new problems the stability reasserted once more.  Technology had advanced to astonishing heights.  Thermal imaging, communication, location, image enhancement, laser designation, allowing for all the old, a million times faster.  With eyes from space, unseen weapons and calculated intimidation, the offerings began.  

It's an old hunter's trick to smell scat, to get the scent of an animal being tracked, some go further, giving it a taste, a good way to get a plethora of zoonotic diseases.  The microbiome provides the hunger and thirst input to the mind, impulse warnings of desperate situations.  

The inputs from the digestive system can be rewired, as the saying goes, to trust your gut.  A collective microbiome, shared gut bacteria can rewire that biology.  In a desperate situation, a village of sickly women can fight against a modern military, by pooping in their water and keeping them awake.  Technology is only as good as its user.  

In conflict, strategic communications are intercepted, tactical communications are jammed.  Overhearing a call for fire does not stop the shells from falling.  Jamming the outgoing transmission does stop the shells from falling.  

In the second world war island hopping campaign of the Pacific, the Marine Corps required a way to send a signal above the radio static.  The whelp of the Navajo provided a solution.  

The Navajo Code of world war two, was never an unbreakable code, it was an unjammable signal, scout teams still train in it, beginning with letting the voice carry, not a whisper, just a speaking voice.  Training at night allows people to take advantage of the air density, the drop in humidity and the silence.  

The voice can be stretched, not by speaking louder but by compensating for the static, allowing natural sound to fill in the space. Radios work better, compensating for the static, what is heard on the other end, to make the sending message shorter and the receiving message longer.  

Fife, for five, allows the static to make the sound of the letter V.  It can be incomprehensible when overheard, but to the listener, when done correctly, can be more clear.  To stretch a radio, the ether, known in the times of crystal cat tails and trench radios.  

Five sounds too much like fire, the wrong thing to say at the wrong time, it's better to avoid the possibility than risk the chance.  Static can enunciate the sound of the letter V, with the crack of static at the right or wrong moment.

An ecosystem is impacted by conflict as much as anything else.  Bodies of water, rivers, lakes, and snow packs become dumping grounds, cemeteries only to give back more than they receive.  

Water is often neglected and taken for granted.  The historical examples of water as the medium for disease are numerous, especially Cholera.  London of the mid nineteenth century was a milestone, with the first case of georeferencing pointing to a source of contamination.  

Water is often a blind spot, that's why it is often exploited during conflict.  The subtleties of a ubiquitous part of life allow for dirty tricks.  As the saying goes, whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting over.  

Rivers such as the Ganges, Euphrates, Tigris, Amazon and Mississippi are the cause of and the solution to problems.  Such rivers are worshiped, deified and defiled, epitomizing those who live by them, in them and off them, the Animas river of southern Colorado is no different.  

Anima is defined as the unconscious mind.  Psychologist Carl Jung attributed it to a part of the psyche.  The Latin feminine Animea translates to "spirit" or vital principle.  In the context of biology, gut bacteria, passed from mother to child, accomplishes that function.

The Colorado river compact which allocates the river across the southwest is up for renegotiation, a reminder of past conflicts where states were pitted against one another, to bargain for their futures.  The decades old compact poorly accounted for the Cadillac desert, the rise of Las Vegas and Phoenix.  

Antique sequestered pollutants lurk in the mountains above, tailing ponds of old mines abandoned a century ago, nuclear waste, accumulated road runoff, and just ordinary garbage.  

There's a saying, that the solution to pollution is dilution, disasters have contradicted that.  Events such as Fukushima demonstrate factors that don't cancel each other out, they compound them.  

Defeat in detail is the massing of forces to counter a numerically superior defense.  Divide and conquer is not required when an opposition has stretched themselves thin, already dividing themselves.  

Small bites allow a small group to be in a majority, just at a smaller scale, a prepared ground counters in the defense.  Bottlenecks, channeling an offense has a similar effect, negating superior numbers at the cost of time, resources and effort.  

Isolating an opposition allows a small group to mass an opponent, indoctrination relies on it, initiation, hazing, jumping in, the foundations of cults, street gangs, fraternities and insurgencies, as mass, with calculated intimidation, the narrowing of options.  

Decimation can build camaraderie, sacrifice, deliberate or happenstance, losing a member of a team binds what remains, when deliberate, it's gamified, inviting someone in under false pretenses only to quickly get more than they bargained for.  

The military is aware of those factors, relies on them.  Harsh training kills people, accomplishing what human sacrifice accomplished in the past, only with more lofty intentions.  

The ceremonies of old remain, between a disk jockey and a priest, a master of ceremonies is still an MC, abbreviated and stylized.  As the saying goes, to march to the beat of someone's drum.  

To narrow a field of view is the intention of indoctrination, only to widen that view to shape perspective.  As the saying goes, to break down to build back up.  Camaraderie, through shared struggle, shared sacrifice provided by events, or imposed through deliberate efforts.

A village of sickly women can defeat a modern military, one bite at a time.  Maintaining superior numbers, just at a smaller scale allows defeat in detail and hinders a response, as the saying goes, it's the slow knife.  

The displacement of voyeurism comes from watching and assuming, projecting one's self, to fill in the gaps, trying to make sense of what is being seen.  The world is small through a scope.  As the saying goes, watch what someone does, not what they say.  

The panopticon was developed to allow all points in a structure to be seen from one location, a nexus.  The whitehall study quantified the link between social status and mortality.  Science, measurements over time, pointed again to the flow of water.  

Living uphill, is also living upstream.  Water, rivers, lakes, snowpacks, glaciers, and reservoirs are celebrated, while defiled.  The tighter a water cycle gets, the sooner someone comes back to themselves.  

Water, as both consumed and expelled, is a molecule with biology attached.  The tighter the water cycle, the closer the neighbors are.  The microscope provided the glimpses into water and the microbiome, the internet has for the macrobiome.  

This is demonstrated with the social credit scores of watersheds, found at,

The Ganges cannot speak for itself, but the collective voices referring to the river, as a topic of conversation, give it a voice.  The slope of the ground gives that voice a vector, the margins of the drainage basins giving that voice a direction, the passage of time giving that voice a magnitude.

The events in Flint Michigan highlight how a small change in water, a variation in pH level can cascade through a community, causing a chemical reaction that releases life altering amounts of Lead.  

Water systems are a delicate balance, especially municipal water systems.  Lead pipes dating back decades can be safe with a protective buildup of calcium deposits, shielding the Lead from contacting the water itself.  

A small increase in pH, from switching water inputs into a system, can have a catastrophic effect on that protective coating.  Subtle signs of changes, the taste, smell or texture of drinking water can signal that change.  

Subtle, and on an individual level, those changes in water can go unnoticed.  In the aggregate, those changes can be georeferenced into a cluster, a hotspot based on social media sentiment analysis.  

Water is a constant, the liquid flows downhill, evaporates and freezes at consistent points and is ever present.  With the predictability of water flow, overlaid with social media sentiment, a vector can be determined.  

That vector, magnitude of sentiment by direction of watershed, enables a forecast.  When done fast enough it is an alert service, designed to notify people of what is up stream, mixing with what, and flowing in their direction.  

That service is found at,

Profiling water events enables the likelihood of events to be projected.  The predictability of water, as a flowing liquid allows disasters like the Animas river flowing orange and reaching downstream communities to be forecast.  

Watersheds map the merging of water bodies, where one river joins another.  The convergence of various toxins in merging rivers can cause catastrophic chemical reactions.  

In a hypothetical, can project a river dyed red, and a river dyed blue, converging to make a river dyed purple.  The longer the system runs the more refined it becomes.  Matching computer models and projections, to tangible outcomes improves its accuracy.  

With improved accuracy through iteration, the forecast becomes more precise.  Iteration teaches the network of learning machines what to look for and how to look for it.  

Water as a topic of discussion, gives hydrology a voice,  geography gives that voice a direction and the passage of time gives that voice a magnitude.  

Water quality can be measured, health can be qualified and the link between the two is a field of study.  By recording the changes in environmental quality such as Lead in water, tailing pond release, population increases and matching them to later outcomes, the computer models gain accuracy.  

Through iteration, those models refines to precision, making a more precise forecast.  Water is a nexus, a medium, both the solution to and the cause of problems.  

Activities of all sorts show in water.  Like tree rings or layers in a glacier, the environment makes a mark, water records those marks, moves them, and mixes them.  Computational modeling unravels the mixing, rewinds the moving and measures the marks.  

This computational model is copyrighted by as sentiment by watershed.  The software to accomplish this model is copyrighted by as left of, right of, directional python data parser for georeferencing time lapsed points.

Horsepower is a common unit of measurement for the output of an engine, and more directly, is the relationship between a horse and a rider.  Horsepower, in referring to relationships, is a measurement of influence.  

The flow of water remains a clock, a metric of time passing, materials traveling and season changing.  The high ground marks a point of time in a river's flow and gives a projection of time at the river's terminus.

To project forward in a river's flow is to project forward in time.  To weave fate, is to know what someone will drink the following day.  Influence is not only the power over a horse, it is the map of the horse's travel.  

Horsepower, as a tangible outcome of influence, is exercised through water, timed by the river's flow and seen in the people who drink from the river's waters.  

People shape water and water shapes people.  People with the high ground shape futures, and water shapes the ground.  Influence, in both the limiting and granting of options, is practiced through water.  

Munchausen by proxy is the mistreatment of someone by a caregiver, the syndrome is characterized by attention seeking behavior.  The responses to attention seeking behaviors are self justifying and without conclusion.  

Exploitative dynamics rely on proxies.  Both interrogation techniques and victim perpetrator dynamics rely on an ultimatum.  Threats gain effect when demonstrated on a third party.  Theater, crafting an environment, is central to intimidation.  

A crafted environment is epitomized by a casino.  From the absence of clocks, to regulating air temperature, casinos are designed to induce results.   Crafting behavior begins with crafting an environment and is continued by engaging in theater.  

Theater, as a collaborative presentation of experience, drives narratives to create expectations.  As the saying goes, perception is reality.  

A narrative, as an account of events, is central to attention seeking behavior.  The ability to shape a narrative is relied upon in indoctrination.  Cults and street gangs are defined by their exploitative behavior.

A water quality monitoring system designed to forecast water pollution has inadvertently georeferenced behavior matching the profile of munchausen by proxy, on a cultural scale.

Love Has Won Movement, Wikipedia 


Durango Colorado Police Department Facebook Page, October 11, 2021 "Turning Data Into Information"

This website processes the digital footprint of illegal activity and documents the historical context. 

This website, associated services and related social media do not condone any such activity. 

- email for business inquiries only. 

Potlatching seen in films (fecal transplant and psychedelics) :

The function of a collective microbiome defense seen in films :


Water in Conflict, Conflict in Water 

Systems, Cycles and Human Geography 



Chapter One:  Often Irregular 

Chapter Two:  Lowest Prioritizes 

Chapter Three:  Special Relationships

Chapter Four:  Test by Trial 

Chapter Five:  No Best Enemy 

Chapter Six:  Tails of Expressions 

Chapter Seven:  Other People's Children 

Chapter Eight:  Worlds of Maps

Chapter Nine:  The Cost of a Count

Chapter Ten:  Back of the Foreground 

Chapter Eleven:  Paid to Bleed

Chapter Twelve:  Exchange Dates

Chapter Thirteen:  Digital Hoofprints



Chapter One

Often Irregular


Napoleon funded food preservation efforts that resulted in the modern canning, giving his forces a massive tactical advantage.  As the saying goes, an army marches on its stomach.  The mobility of militaries was once the result of nutrition.  

Genghis Khan standardized siege tactics.  Siege tactics require extended periods of time that border on strategy.  A siege is timed by resources.  Supplies of food and water are challenged by effort and expense.  Defense in a siege is limited by the necessities of life.  Attack in a siege is aided by maneuver.  

Tactical maneuver is aided by technology and technology has its trials in irregular warfare.  Biological warfare is distinguished as either weaponized or natural.  Weaponized biology has been modified, such as aerosolized pathogens.  Natural biology is introduced, such as smallpox blankets, require no modification, only a medium of transfer.  

Natural biology can be introduced as a weapon, such as Genghis Khan catapulting corpses over a wall or be ever present and gain impact from living standards such as the trench foot of world war one.  

Uniformity masks an individual.  Presenting a monolith, a cohesive front emphasizes a unity in purpose.  The weak link in a chain blends in, when each link looks the same.  An individual can be lost in a mass, needs devalued and attention dismissed with a uniformity of appearance.

 "The use of biological weapons in warfare has been recorded throughout history.  During the 12th - 15th centuries BC, the Hittites are known to have driven diseased animals and people into enemy territory with the intention of initiating an epidemic.  In the 6th century BC, the Assyrians poisoned enemy wells with rye ergot, and the Greek general Solomon used the herb hellebore to poison the water source of the city of Krissa during his siege.  In 1345, a plague broke out in the Tartar army during its siege of Kaffa (at present day Feodesia in the Crimea).  The attackers hurled the corpses of plague victims over the city walls.  Subsequently, the "Black Death" plague pandemic, spread throughout Europe and is thought to have caused the deaths of one-third of the population of Europe - as many as 25 million people.  In 1422, at the siege of Karlstejn during the Hussite Wars in Bohemia, Prince Coribut hurled corpses of plague-stricken soldiers at the enemy troops, and Russian forces may have used the same tactics against the Swedes in 1710.  In 1611 in Jamestown Colony in Virginia, a toxic hallucinogenic drug derived from plants was used against the English settlers by Chief Powhatan.  On several occasions throughout history smallpox was used as a biological weapon."   Page 12

Col. Zygmunt F. Dembek PhD, MS, MPH

 History of Biological Warfare and the Current Threat, Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook, Seventh Edition

United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infections Diseases. Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702-5011, September 2011


Chapter Two

Lowest Prioritizes


Complication does not aid explanation.  A cohesive narrative requires a message that can respond without elaboration.  Headlines are given out for free, showing outward from a newspaper stand, to catch the eye and maybe, draw a sale.  

There's an expression in the newspaper business, if it bleeds, it leads.  The modern world has consolidated centuries of media technology and digitized them into an automated workflow.  Techniques of persuasion that once required significant effort, resources and talented crafting can now be created by assembly line.  

As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind.  Providing information also sets priorities.  The flow of water dilutes contaminates, it also moves them.  Water flows across boundaries and borders and is often the line between jurisdictions.  In a brief period of time, a water quality issue in any location will be someone else's problem.   

There is a term for a specific type of sickly person.  “Skinny fat” is used to describe a person unable to build muscle mass.  The technical definition is having a relatively high percentage of body fat and a low amount of muscle mass, despite having a “normal” body mass index.

The condition can result from a combination of disease and poor nutrition, compounded by factors such as drug use and a sedentary lifestyle.  Exercises such as pull ups and push ups, squats and lunges highlight the condition.  When someone’s body weight is greater than the force their body can exert, a pull up or push up, squat or lunge becomes infeasible.   

"Different types of fungus are transmitted in several ways. Cryptococcus is thought to be acquired through inhaling soil contaminated with bird droppings, and Histoplasma is found in environments with heavy contamination of bird or bat droppings, particularly in the Midwest near the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Blastomyces is thought to exist in soil rich in decaying organic matter in the Midwest United States, particularly the northern Midwest. Coccidioides is found in the soil of endemic areas (Southwestern US and parts of Central and South America). When these environments are disturbed, the fungal spores can be inhaled. Meningitis results from the fungal infection spreading to the spinal cord. Candida is usually acquired in a hospital setting."

Dr. Charles Davis

Davis, Charles P MD, PhD  Fungal meningitis facts medical, 1996-2021 MedicineNet,

Chapter Three 

Special Relationships



A common adversary can unite a wide variety of people.  Governments are often built around an external threat.  An external threat can bring together a variety of specialties.  People, from different places, each with their own expertise.  

“Prepared ground” is a military doctrine describing preparations in the defense.  The doctrine values the appearance of strength in points of weakness and the appearance of weakness in points of strength.  Decoys are force multipliers in prepared ground, figures and forms, shapes and silhouettes placed in strategic locations to give the impression of defense.   

People put aside their differences to counter a larger adversary, this is optimized by world wars, where former enemies within the United States fight in Europe as Americans, and former rebellious colonies fight together as allies.  

Those relationships, the times when differences have been put aside, create special relationships.  Special relationships are where behaviors, beliefs, or even ongoing actions are allowed, sanctioned, to repay previous cooperation.  As the saying goes, friends help you move, real friends help you move bodies. 

There's a saying about cults, to shit in someone's mouth and tell them they're special.  Exploitative groups rely on an external threat, an opposition, to justify actions.  Street gangs rely on leverage, an initiation process that involves committing crime to bind the group, as witnesses and accomplices.  Again, an external threat instills cohesion.   

"There are three stages of soldier team development.  They are the formation stage, the enrichment stage and the sustainment stage.  The formation stage involves the reception and orientation of new soldiers and during which the soldier is dependent.  The enrichment stage is where the new, independent soldier transitions from an independent soldier to become an interdependent member of the team.  Mutual trust and confidence are formed during this stage.  The keys to developing cohesion during this stage are: training, building pride through accomplishment, and self-evaluation.  The sustainment stage is the final stage of soldier team development.  It is characterized by the internalization of the mission and their accomplishment by cohesive teamwork."  Page D49

Training Package, U.S. Army

TRAINING SUPPORT PACKAGE (TSP) TSP Number/ 158-I-1372 15, June 1998, Build a Cohesive Unit or Organization, 

Center for Army Leadership, U.S. Army Command & General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS  660217-2314

Chapter Four

 Test by Trial


For its time, the British empire had the most complete map of the planet, with only some regions of the poles yet to be filled in. There was one nation that stood against the might of the British empire, and inflicted enough damage, to make subjugation untenable.  The Napalese Gurkahs had a combination of inhospitable land, and individual conditioning that together, matched the might of the world strongest empire.  

Edmund Hillary achieved his greatest accomplishment with Napalese Ghurkahs porting every step.  In recognition of the Napalese as both an adversary and an assistant, the Ghurkas to this day, are prized members of the British armed forces.  

There's an expression, run it up the flagpole, and see who salutes.  The expression refers to a trial, where possible explanations for behavior can be discerned.   Someone can saute the wrong flag out of habit, because the flagpole has always held the flag of their allegiance and for them, it has never been otherwise.

Someone can also salute the wrong flag as a dropping of a persona, that the other flag symbolized their true allegiance, with the action drawing on previous habituation.  Public scrutiny can validate conclusions.  The court of public opinion is self-evident.  To validate previous efforts, the narrative must weigh the ends against the means.    

"The disapproval that the knight had for the man with the firearm is repeated in the soldier who shoots with steel bullets towards the man who confronts him with chemical weapons. The gas weapons are not at all more cruel than the flying iron pieces; on the contrary, the fraction of fatal gas diseases is comparatively smaller, the mutilations are missing." Page 50

Fritz Haber

Haber, Fritz. Die Chemie im Kriege fünf Vorträge (1920-1923) über Giftgas, Sprengstoff und Kunstdünger im Ersten Weltkrieg. Berlin: Comino Verlag. 

Chapter Five 

No Best Enemy


Losing the peace is allowing the unity provided by an external threat to dissolve.  Old differences can reassert once the Axis is defeated or the British are expelled.  The uniqueness that once made a group valued in a larger effort can drive that group apart, once a united front is no longer of value.  

The cost of cohesion is paid by children. To maintain culture, as a diaspora, displaced overseas or the cloister of a region, a group must maintain a narrative.  A common narrative to justify actions has to be brief, with certainties, an explanation of a monolith, to oppose unity, with unity. 

The many definitions of mysticism have three consistent characteristics, initiation, ceremony and selflessness.  Indoctrination is defined by a lack of criticism.  Shaping someone’s reality is central to indoctrination and a lack of criticism is central to mysticism. An organization's response to criticism defines that organization.   

Cohesiveness is maintained through special relationships, agreements made in times of need, repaid in times of disunity.  As the saying goes, history is written by the winners, and the winners write that history to repay their allies.    

Extremist organizations market violence as a social service.  Extremism around the world such as the Klu Klux Klan, The Islamic State, Boko Hamam, Branch Davidians, Taliban, Earth Liberation Front, Abu Sayyaf, and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC) offer vigilante services to the public.  Virtue is subjective, social ills can be a lack of cohesion or an abundance of cohesion.     

A bloody hand is universal.  To have blood on one’s hands.  To have shed blood.  To be bloodied.  Blood as a symbol is visceral.  

To bloody one’s hands marks a point of time in someone’s life.  In a blooding ritual, the symbol of a bloodied hand is used to recall the emotional impact of shedding of blood.    

Most recently, Australian soldiers in Afghanistan faced disciplinary action for undergoing blooding rituals.  Blooding is meant to prepare someone for violence by providing a controlled situation to take a life.  Preparing for violence by having taken a life in a controlled situation allows someone to enter violence with experience of death.

Vigilante activity provides a convenient situation for initiation.  Extremist organizations justify actions as proactive defense.  The defense against social ills is subjective, for Boko Haram, the defense against literacy, for the Klu Klux Klan, defense of racial hegemony,  for the FARC it is defense against capitalism.  Again, an external threat instills cohesion.  

The footprint of unofficial cemeteries causes impact downstream.  The disposal of evidence compounds in lakes, rivers and streams impacting health and behavior in nearby communities.  Water no longer washes away, water records.  Violence is seen in the water. 

“Fables should be taught as fables, myths as myths, and miracles as poetic fancies. To teach superstitions as truths is a most terrible thing. The child mind accepts and believes them, and only through great pain and perhaps tragedy can he be in after years relieved of them. In fact, men will fight for a superstition quite as quickly as for a living truth often more so, since a superstition is so intangible you cannot get at it to refute it, but truth is a point of view, and so is changeable.” 

Hypathia of Alexandria

Chapter Six 

Tails of Expressions



Regions that have been successful opposing foreign conquest all have one thing in common.  Switzerland, Ethiopia, Nepal, Peru, are all at the top of drainage basins.  Having a clean, reliable and defendable source of drinking water can establish the foundation for armed resistance.  

The language of the military is peppered with expressions.  The expressions again have a common theme that touches on biology.  To mushroom someone, as the saying goes, to keep them in the dark and feed them shit.  

Eat shit and die, not as a way to dismiss someone, but a warning, of what can happen when someone's biology gets turned around.  For someone to have their head up their ass, navel-gazing, to be mindful to the point of neglecting surroundings.  

To be daft is to be suffering cognitive decline as a result of Arsenic poisoning.  Being absent minded can result from many things.  The term daft has its origins in the mid 1800, when candies known as humbugs became adulterated with Arsenic.  The mass poisoning that resulted popularized the term daft, and coined the term humbuggery as dishonest talk, writing or behavior meant to deceive.    

Expressions as idioms, euphemisms are meant to be taken metaphorically.  Another epistemological view is to take expressions literally with a historical context.  Modern expressions have historical context.  

Terms of the past referred to a common situation of the time.  As times changed, those situations became less common, but the term lives on as an expression.  As cars replaced horses, “horse shit” became an expression, rather than an object encountered in everyday life. 

Humbug, bullshit, horse shit, rubbish, poppycock, drivel, hogwash are all terms with similar etymological roots.  Each term refers to a source or symptom of poisoning.  Another group of terms refers to treatments.  Nuts, was the response of an American commander when offered the opportunity to surrender by the Nazis.  To take something with a grain of salt, as the saying goes.  

Ancient techniques have transitioned into modern tactics.  Biological warfare was once practiced as a form of mysticism.  The relics of that mysticism remain as taboo practices, religious restrictions and cautionary tales.  

A technique exists in combat arms known as the “What The...” designed to cause a moment of hesitation at a crucial time.  What The... is simply, whatever would cause someone to say What The… in a given situation.  The technique traces its lineage back to Native American Skinwalking.  

Such techniques are known as force multipliers in military science, a factor or a combination of factors that gives personnel or weapon the ability to accomplish greater feats than without it. 

“In general, when pushed upon by the enemy, reserve your fire till they approach very near, which will then put them into the greatest surprise and consternation, and give you an opportunity of rushing upon them with your hatchets and cutlasses to the better advantage.”

Robert Rogers

Rule Number 13,  28 Rules of Ranging, Major Robert Rogers, 1757

Chapter Seven

 Other People's Children


Tests involve risk, from test pilots to medical subjects, new technology always requires someone to go first.  Regulatory systems are often a response to consequences rather than a preemptive effort.  

The Hippocratic oath of physicians has a stanza, to not cut for stone.  Cutting for stone, kidney stone surgery in the Victorian era, was not dissuaded until the repercussions compounded.

To not draw any water, is referring to a lack of influence, to say someone was not part of previous agreements.  The expression refers to water allocation across the western U.S. to measure a community member's status by the economic value of their business.  

Infrastructure is cyclical.  Floods wash away bridges and winds blow down trees.  Municipal utilities are no different.  As technology provides more necessities, nature erodes the infrastructure behind it.  As the saying goes, water flows uphill towards money.

Biological warfare in the defense requires maintaining a disease reservoir.  The correlation between disease lethality and incubation periods means that non-life threatening disease will be eliminated by the immune system before the carrier dies from the disease.  

To maintain a disease reservoir in a population for the purpose of defense, three factors are required.  First, the disease source must be naturally occurring and regionally specific.  Second, individual immune systems require suppression. Third, regular reinfection is required through methods such as communal ritual.  

By maintaining regional specific, naturally occurring diseases in a human population, regional leadership can compound opposition and resist invasion.  At the cost of individual, community and generational health, a civilian population can fight against a modern military.  There's an old saying, it's a huge shit sandwich and we all have to take a bite.  In the defense, biological warfare is a force multiplier.  


"The secret of showmanship consists not of what you really do, but what the mystery-loving public thinks you do."

Harry Houdini 


Chapter Eight 

Worlds of Maps


The age of exploration provided a surplus of maps with questionable accuracy.  Sorting out inaccuracies became a cartographer's dilemma.  Maps spread faster than the ability to confirm them, cartographers had to rely on a variety of sources without being able to validate them.  Maps were once stable, static representations of geography.  

Frequency hopping is switching between channels to diminish signal interference.  Device synchronization is matching the timing between transition and reception while switching channels.  

Digital frequency hopping made techniques such as code talking obsolete.  Global time synchronization through satellite communication enabled precise bandwidth modulation making transmission jamming almost inconsequential.  

Like Morse Code, semaphore, smoke signals and bugles, code talking is no long relied upon in military operations but the legacies in traditions, history and outdated information remain.     

Geographic relations have made way for digital relations, with the velocity of information surpassing the velocity of travel.  As the saying goes, if the water won't come to Los Angeles, Los Angeles will come to the water.  

"The World is Shriveling as it Shrinks,"

Waldo Tobler

 Tobler, Waldo. ESRI International User Conference, July 1999 keynote speech. 

Chapter Nine 

The Cost of a Count


The modern era brought modern problems.  The volume of accurate information has reached new heights.  Sorting the glut of information has become a programmer's dilemma.  

The accuracy is unmatched, digital remote sensing, monitoring, cross referencing, global satellite communication, all compounding into a cacophony.  Sorting the deluge of information down to a specific topic is now managed by systems.  

Systems managing system has implemented a digital Tobler's law, where all things are related, but closer things are more related.  Now everything is close, digitally.  Reference in digital space can now draw geographic relations.

Cadastral maps show the boundaries of ownership in land parcels.  The word Cadastral’s etymology is Greek for register.  Land is valued in a variety of ways.  Land is often valued by access to water.  The quality of water changes the value of land.  

Digital geographic information systems have accelerated a feedback loop.  As property maps are updated land is reappraised.  When land is reappraised at a higher value it can be sold at a profit.  When land is sold, the property maps are updated, and the cycle begins anew. 

"For this reason every town and village should know their own paupers, as written down in the Register, and assist them. But as to outlandish and strange beggars they ought not to be borne with, unless they have proper letters and certificates; for all the great rogueries mentioned in this book are done by these. If each town would only keep an eye upon their paupers, such knaveries would soon be at an end. I have myself of late years been cheated and befooled by such tramps and liars more than I wish to confess. Therefore, whosoever hears these words let him be warned, and do good to his neighbour in all Christian charity, according to the teaching of the commandment."  Page 5

Martin Luther

Luther, Martin. THE BOOK OF VAGABONDS AND BEGGARS, Preface, Printed at Wittemberg in the year M.D.XXIX. LONDON: JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN, PICCADILLY. 1860.

Chapter Ten

Back of the Foreground


The British empire explained its position in colonized China as, first among equals.  The geographic location of the British isles placed the home ports of the British Navy at the openings of the North Sea.  

The seafaring of the British Navy led to the term, the rulers of the waves.  The business acumen of the British merchants earned them the moniker, the waivers of the rules.  Trade maintains a Navy and a Navy maintains trade.  

Communication and technology complement one another.  As the printing press allowed for the distribution of ideas, the networks of communication standardized to keep pace.  

Information formatting is standardized by the sender.  The term lingua franca, directly translated means, the language of French, the term refers to a common language adopted to aid communication.  

Bridge languages, give the culture of the language a voice in the conversation.  As standards of measurement, currency, communication and exchange are used, the cultures of those standards are represented.   

Systems management allocates levels of response.  Crisis response reallocates resources to prioritize emergencies.   Crisis management was developed to respond to time-sensitive issues.  Crisis response travels to emergencies.

When crisis response resources are allocated for the same issue in the same area more than once, emergency resources are misallocated.  In conflict, desperation is a language.  

To live in desperation requires communicating in a language that can be noticed, heard, understood and responded to.  To survive in desperation requires dramatic communication.  In conflict, requests are made with violence, questions are asked through trial and responses are given with silence.  

"Once is happenstance.  Twice is coincidence.  Three times is enemy action."

Ian Fleming

Fleming, Ian, Goldfinger, London : Jonathan Cape, 1959.

Chapter Eleven 

Paid to Bleed 


Munchausen syndrome by proxy is defined by its attention seeking behavior.  When attention seeking behavior is compounded by incentives, someone can be paid to bleed.       

Nations, regions, organizations and governments can have corruption, but Afghanistan is a case study in corruption.  Perverse incentives have been reinforced through centuries of conflict.  There’s a saying about Afghanistan, it’s nowhere, but it’s on the way to everywhere.  

Cults, gangs, terrorist and insurgents have the resource of suffering people to work with.  Traumatic events unite people with purpose.  The emotional state of Lady Macbeth enforces, Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart silences, the Wailing Widow publicizes.  Communal suffering draws resources, building commerce reliant on suffering.  

Infrastructure is cyclical and conflict accelerates that cycle.  When infrastructure is constructed with foreign aid, an incentive exists to destroy that infrastructure.  When infrastructure is destroyed and rebuilt, the incentive to destroy is reinforced.  

Corruption is highlighted by water.  When people exist in desperation, the necessities of life are delivered.  Maintaining the necessities, where infrastructure is destroyed, requires delivering drinking water.

Graves in the ground mark an area as a place of conflict, a reminder to the inhabitants and a legacy to its people.  A river is a simple, easy and free way to rid a community of a reminder, to make a conflict someone else's problem.   Conflict compounds in water.  

Over the past decades the nation building of the United States created perverse incentives.  Perverse incentives compound pre-existing issues.  Pre-existing issues compounded cycles of violence and cycles of violence compounded perverse incentives.  

“A majority of the problems we faced were self-induced by our inability to think like a native.”

Unnamed U.S. Army civil-affairs officer, Lessons Learned Interview

Craig Whitlock, “BUILT TO FAIL, THE AFGHANISTAN PAPERS A secret history of the war .”  The Washington Post Dec 9, 2019 

Chapter Twelve

Exchange Dates


The velocity of money is how fast currency changes hands.  The flow of water created a similar effect.  As water flows downstream municipalities make uses of it.  Water is consumed and expelled at the personal, social and industrial level.  

As the liquid flows it collects and mixes debris and chemicals, providing a medium for reactions.  The spring water at the top of a drainage basin can be valued for drinking, the same water can be valued downstream for boating, in a reservoir valued for its hydroelectricity.  

Water has a value velocity in a vector.  A vector is a speed of travel with a direction.  A stagnant puddle is evaporating, and a river is flowing, a glacier is sliding and a raindrop is falling.  Water in all its forms is constantly in motion.  

Where and when water is, determines value as much as what is in it.  What water is in can allow it to be transported, and that transport can change its value.  

"As it is by treaty, by barter, and by purchase, that we obtain from one another the greater part of those mutual good offices which we stand in need of, so it is this same trucking disposition which originally gives occasion to the division of labour.  In the tribe of hunters or shepherds a particular person makes bows and arrows, for example, with more readiness and dexterity than any other.  He frequently exchanges them for cattle or for venison with his companions, and he finds at last that he can in this manner get more cattle and venison than if he himself went to the field to catch them."  Page 28 

Adam Smith

Smith, Adam, 1723-1790. (2000). The Wealth of Nations / Adam Smith ; introduction by Robert Reich ; edited, with notes, marginal summary, and enlarged index by Edwin Cannan. New York : Modern Library

Chapter Thirteen

Digital Hoofprints


Every product has an amount of water associated with its production.  As products are imported and exported an amount of water is exchanged.  A product can be transported, but the impact on water in the area of the production remains.  

Water evaporates, leaks, drains and pools.  The water cycle draws it up to the clouds, and deposits it back where it started.  The products created within that cycle create smaller cycles, trails of production, from tire marks to tailing ponds, activities of all sorts are seen in water.  

As a river flows activities in the river’s water compound.  Abandoned mines leave trailing ponds of toxic metals that return to the river’s flow.  Power plants return water to a river at a higher temperature.  River rafting leaves plastic flakes from boats scraping on rocks.  Animals add themselves to the flow of water.  Life cycles begin with water and return to it.

A river reflects its microscopic life.  The lives of the people attached to a river reflect that river’s microscopic life.  Waterborne diseases are constrained by the medium of transfer.  Where diseased water ends, the diseases in that water end. 

"Do not move up-stream to meet the enemy.  Tu Mu says: As water flows downwards, we must not pitch our camp on the lower reaches of a river, for fear the enemy should open the sluices and sweep us away in a flood. Chu-ko Wu- hou has remarked that 'in river warfare we must not advance against the stream,' which is as much as to say that our fleet must not be anchored below that of the enemy, for then they would be able to take advantage of the current and make short work of us. There is also the danger, noted by other commentators, that the enemy may throw poison on the water to be carried down to us.  So much for river warfare."  Page 54

Sun Tzu

Tzu, Sun. The Art of War, 6th Century B.C. Abingdon, Oxon: Routlege, 2013. 



Cycles create feedback and feedback amplifies reactions.  As systems interact with other systems, byproducts of reactions accumulate.  In water quality, the results are known as system interaction byproducts.  

An example of system interaction byproducts is the Flint Michigan water crisis, where an input shift raised the acidity of municipal water and that acidity was just enough to erode protective calcium deposits on pipes, releasing Lead into drinking water.  

Digital system interaction byproducts are analogous to water system interaction byproducts.  Interaction byproducts such as Lead in drinking water impacts children and children impact social media.  Social media impacts crime rates and crime rate impact infrastructure.  

Where defense through infrastructure self sabotage is aided by publicity, defense through biological self sabotage is aided by mystery.      


Where defense through infrastructure self sabotage requires a large, on-time effort, defense through biological self sabotage requires continual small-scale maintenance.

Prepared ground force multiplier defense :

The function of a prepared ground force multiplier defense seen in films :

Perverse incentives in special relationships seen in films :

Underwater Decomposition Study :  Redacted

Underwater Decomposition Study

Water decomposition seen in film : 

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