DUI Attorney

What are the Penalties for a DUI first?

DUI Lawyer Franks: It depends upon particular factors. For a a conventional drivers license its suspension for as much as 4 months a $250 to a one thousand dollar fine as much as 48 hours behind bars and attending a MASEP program or a Victims Impact Panel. If it is a commercial vehicle license then the penalties are a lot more extreme in the that they lose their license for as much as 365 days which can put them out of work. After that we likewise have individuals under age 21. Depending on their blood alcohol content they can be taking a look at a fine of $250 and a one hundred twenty day suspension of their license together with the course. The actual difference is they do not have the 2 days behind bars and also they do not have the fine up to $1000.

Is there any means I can be discovered not guilty?

DUI Attorney Franks: Absolutely. Its not uncommon to have a case dismissed or head to court and have an individual found not guilty. Actually the initial trial I did as a DUI attorney was a DUI second infraction and the individual was discovered not guilty on all the charges. It depends on a great deal of points. It depends on the facts from when the individuals pulled over. Did the police officer have reasonable suspicion or probable cause to stop them? If they don't the rest is cut off. In addition to that policemen are human beings too. They make blunders. They neglect entering information needed to prosecute someone effectively for a DUI. It is feasible to obtain a not guilty judgment on a DUI.

If I'm found guilty do I need to do jail time?

Attorney Franks: It can bring up to 48 hours in jail. However we request credit for time served. After that we ask the court to put on hold the remaining time and they will generally comply. The purpose of courts is not to harm individuals. They desire individuals to remain efficient residents.

Can I beg to a minimal infraction?

Joey: Negative. The regulations are extremely clear on this..