Humanizing Online STEM Showcase

 Zhibang Jim Duan, Adjunct, Ventura College

This site provides examples of instructional resources created in the Humanizing Online STEM Academy, a professional development program funded by the California Education Learning Lab and administered by the Foothill DeAnza Community College District.


Where I was.

When I first started the academy, I was unsure of what to expect. I had some experience in STEM education but wanted to learn more about how to humanize the learning experience for my students. During the academy, I was introduced to new teaching strategies and techniques that helped me to engage my students and to make the learning experience more relevant and meaningful to them. 

Where I am.

Now, after attending the academy, I feel more confident in my ability to humanize STEM education. I have learned how to create a safe and inclusive learning environment, how to use real-world examples to teach abstract concepts, and how to incorporate student voice and choice into my teaching. I have also connected with other educators who share my passion for humanizing STEM education, and I have learned from their experiences and perspectives. 

Where I am going.

Looking forward, I am excited to continue on this path of humanizing STEM education. I plan to implement the strategies and techniques that I learned during the academy in my teaching practice, and I hope to inspire other educators to do the same. I am also interested in exploring how I can incorporate more project-based learning and interdisciplinary approaches into my STEM teaching. 

Liquid Syllabus

As a chemistry lab instructor, a liquid syllabus can be an excellent way to introduce my students to the course material. A well-designed liquid syllabus can provide my students with a clear overview of the course structure and expectations. By breaking down the course content into smaller, more manageable sections, I can help to make the material more approachable and less overwhelming for my students.

Overall, a well-designed liquid syllabus can be a valuable tool for chemistry lab instructors, and can help me to create a more engaging and dynamic learning environment for students.

Humanizing Sandbox Course Card - Duan

Course Card

I selected this image to show some commonly used glasswear in chemistry lab. I want to inspire the students' intrest in chemistry. Through the simple glass wear, the different chemical reactions could be performed and the different compounds could be sysnthesized. In this course, we will use these glass wear in the lab.

Throughout this course, we'll be exploring various chemical reactions and learning how to conduct experiments safely and accurately. You'll have the opportunity to develop your skills in observation, data collection, and analysis, as well as hone your ability to communicate your findings effectively.

I look forward to working with you all and sharing our passion for chemistry together. Let's get started!


As a chemistry lab instructor, my homepage is the first point of contact for my students, and it serves as an important kindness cue of social inclusion. By designing my homepage with welcoming, I am sending a message to my students that I value and respect their differences, and that I am committed to creating a safe and supportive learning environment for everyone. 

In addition to visual cues, my homepage also serves as a platform for communication with my students. By promoting open and respectful communication and emphasizing your commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment, I can help foster a sense of community and belonging among my students, which is critical to their success in the lab and beyond. 

Getting to Know You Survey

Here is my getting to know you survey. Some questions, which I ask the students, are shown below:

Through these questions, I hope to get familiar with the students and better to serve them in the chemistry lab course.


Ice Breaker

Welcome to the general chemistry I lab! My name is Zhibang Jim Duan, and I will be your instructor for this course. I'm excited to work with all of you and help you discover the wonders of chemistry. Before we begin, let's take a moment to introduce ourselves.

Please tell us your name, your major, what you hope to learn from this course. You can use this assignment to get farmiliar with other students and make connections with them. 

Also, feel free to share one interesting fact about yourself that we might not know. Let's get to know each other and make this a great semester! 

Bumper Video

I added the bumper video into my module. In this lab, we'll be exploring the fascinating world of chemical reactions and reactions. We'll get our hands dirty, mix up some compounds, and discover the amazing properties of different elements. But chemistry isn't just about memorizing formulas and balancing equations. It's about developing critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a sense of wonder about the world around us. So, join me on this exciting journey of discovery and let's unleash the power of chemistry together! 


Graphing is an essential tool in chemistry to help us understand relationships between different variables. This microlecture is designed to help the students how to make graphs using the experimental data and how to analyze the graphs. From the graph data, the students can quickly see the patterns and trends that might not be apparent from just looking at the numbers. By mastering the skill of graphing, the students will be able to analyze and communicate their experimental results more effectively in their future scientific endeavors. 

CC by NC

This site is by Zhibang Jim Duan and is shared with a Creative Commons-Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 license. Creation of this content was made possible with funding from the California Education Learning Lab.