

Who we are

Dr. Samaneh Torkzadeh

Club Founder

Faculty Advisor & Instructor


Club President


Club Vice President

Origin Story

Inception: 2023

Data Science in Business is born out of a shared passion for data science and its profound impact on the business world. Founded in 2023, the club emerged as a dynamic hub for students eager to explore the intersection of data science and business analytics.

Founding Visionaries:

Club journey began with recognition of the growing importance of data-driven decision-making in the business landscape. Fueled by a desire to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, they laid the foundation for what would become 'Data Science in Business Club'.

Early Days:

In the early days, our focus is on building a community where like-minded individuals could come together to learn, collaborate, and innovate. The founder organizes workshops, study groups, and networking events to create an environment conducive to the exchange of ideas and knowledge.

Evolution and Growth:

As the club gains momentum, so do our commitment to staying at the forefront of advancements in data science. We expand our seminars and workshops to include a diverse range of topics, reflecting the evolving landscape of business analytics. From SQL fundamentals to cutting-edge technologies like NLP and web scraping, Data Science in Business Club will become a go-to resource for students eager to acquire practical skills.

Building a Legacy:

Over the years, this club will become synonymous with excellence in the field of data science in business. Our members will not only excel academically but also make significant contributions to real-world projects and research initiatives.

Community Impact:

Beyond the confines of our university, club is committed to making a positive impact on the wider community. Through outreach programs, collaborations with local businesses, and community service projects, we strive to demonstrate the societal value of data science.

Looking Forward:

As we reflect on our starting point, we are excited about the future. Data Science in Business Club is dedicated to be a dynamic and inclusive space where individuals can continue to explore, learn, and innovate. Join us as we write the next chapter of our story, shaping the future of data science in business.