Sports & Games

a. An article related to sports and recreational games for individuals with disabilities {w/ 1 page reflection} (10pts)

      • "Promoting the Participation of Children With Disabilities in Sports, Recreation, and Physical Activities" - Nancy A. Murphy, MD, Paul S. Carbone, MD, and the Council on Children With Disabilities

Roughly 18% of children in the United States have some type of disability, but there is still a lack of opportunities for these children to participate in recreational sports. The article goes into detail about what it means to participate in sport. Participation not only fosters physical health, but also mental health in that it encourages peer-to-peer interaction, creativity, and overall life purpose. Sports are a great way to promote camaraderie among individuals with and without disabilities alike. With that, sports area also great on an individual level, specifically it's been found, "Special Olympics participants show heightened self-esteem, perceived physical competence, and peer acceptance when compared with nonparticipants."

The biggest reason as to why individuals with disabilities choose not to participate in sport is the inability to pay for specialized equipment or programming. Since it is often so rare to find such things, it's hard for families to take this needed step. Although individuals with disabilities are barred from participation, it's much more difficult for them to participate without the things they need to succeed.

In general, it's important for everyone to understand that participation in sport is crucial for any individual's well-being, whether it be physically or mentally beneficial. Even if only for 30 minutes, it's highly recommended to participate in physical activity every day.

b. Useful strategies FOUND to implement during specific sport/activity (2pts)

      • Collaborate with the mentee to enable success
      • Provide opportunities to challenge the mentee both as a participant and as a leader
      • Foster independence
      • Ask the parents questions



d. Sport & Recreational opportunities available in the community? (3 pt)

      • Special Olympics - Area 4 of the Harrisonburg and Shenandoah Region
        • Sports offered include: alpine skiing, swimming, bowling, golf, volleyball, softball, and track & field
Barriers to Youth Sport reflection


Area 4. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2017, from

Moffett, A. (2007). Tips for Including Athletes with Disabilities. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from

Murphy, N. A., & Carbone, P. S. (2008, May 01). Promoting the Participation of Children With Disabilities in Sports, Recreation, and Physical Activities. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from