
No time to wait for the developers to finish their projects? I get it, some times you just need to play... Now. That's not a problem. You can read about the coolest indie releases at our unity connect column.

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In Development

If you like indie games but just don’t have the time to sort through all the content out there, In Development is here to bring you reviews, news, and opinions about the best indie video games that are still on the development phase.

Try out their free demos

There is a lot of cool content out there but some projects really stand out so they’re featured at the end of the month roundup. Five reviews with highlights, all with links so you can try out their demos and find the best ways to help them make their ideas a reality.

Latest Roundup

If you like any of the games featured in the monthly round-up, full interviews with the teams will be published so you can take a sneak peek into your favorite games. What inspired the idea? What was the biggest challenge? Find out about all this and more.

Latest Interviews

If you're developing a game and would like me to take a look for future publications, send me a DM on Twitter @DNX_Gaming with the link to the site.