About DigiDollar

Frequently Asked Questions


DigiDollar is a brand new currency that will have prices subject to change.

How do I use it?

Any user will have the ability to transfer and exchange DigiDollars using their accounts.

How do I get it?

Any user with an account may purchase DigiDollars and receive them from other users.

How do I see how much I have?

DigiDollar is currently working on ways to view and use account information for its users. For now, just email service.digidollar@gmail.com.


DigiDollar will soon offer a range of account actions users can take.

How do I get an account?

Use AutoAssign, the form on the "Accounts" page, ask a local collaborator, or email service.digidollar@gmail.com.


Email service.digidollar@gmail.com.