Janis Drymag 1.4 K 9 T with electronics

Oxford Teslatron 1.3 K 12 T with electronics

Transfer Stage

Navitar Digital Microscope on tabletop isolation system from Daeil system  with motorized stage from Newport .

Glove box with a Transfer Stage

Korea Kiyon glove box with a transfer stage

Optical Microscope 1

Nikon Optical Microscope (LV150N) with DS-Ri2 camera (color)

Optical Microscope 2

Nikon Optical Microscope (LV150N) with Digital Sight 10 camera (color & monochrome)

Atomic Force Microscopy

 Park Systems XE7 with Nanolithography option

E-Beam Evaporator

Korvus Technology Hex4 with rotation & cooling stage 

Plasma System

 Femto CIONE, PE & RIE with 200 W and 3 gases

Rapid Thermal Annealing System

 MBE Komponenten AO600

Hume Hood for Device Engineering

Spin Coater: POLOS SPIN150i, UV-Ozone Cleaner: Ossila, Hot Plate: AS one NDK-1K, Sonicator: ELMA EASY 

Pump, Gas, and Compressor Room

Reducing noise and focusing Music


World's class cleanroom facility in DGIST

We have all kinds of fabrication facilities including E-beam lithography (Raith Eline 150-two), E-beam Evaporator, RIE and so on.

Espresso Machine