Private Policy

This privacy notice reveals privacy practices by Deep Rooted. This privacy notice only reveals only the information collected by Deep Rooted. This privacy policy tracks the following:

  • Progression

  • Player Achievements

Information Collected

We track progression and player achievements from the users that download our game. We do not ask for user's email and personal information to track progression and player achievements. Everything done in our game by the user is private and can only be seen by us, the team of Deep Rooted.

How we use information recorded

We use progression information to track how fast the player is getting through the levels. We use the player achievement information to see what and how our players are achieving the trophies awarded.

We use all this data to keep users engaged more into the game and wanting to advance further. For Deep Rooted this data is also tracked to improve the game for the players.

Information Sharing

We will not share any of the information received by the user. All information gathered is kept within Deep Root at all times.

If you feel like your information has been shared please contact: