Temple College 

Center for Teaching and Learning

The mission of the Temple College Center for Teaching and Learning is to encourage student success by promoting collaboration among learning communities and providing evidence-based resources that empower faculty and staff to test and refine innovative practices.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Center for Teaching and Learning Committee 

if you have any suggestions or concerns:

Committee Members (Faculty):

Kim Clawson (TBI Representative)   

Kim George  (Faculty Representative) 

Felix Greco (QEP Representative)

Chris Krejci (Faculty Representative) 

 Brice Olivier  (Hutto/Taylor Representative)  

Erica Perrine  (Faculty Council Representative)

Claudia Turner (Faculty Representative) 

Committee Members (Administration/eLearning)

Susan Guzman-Trevino 

Becky Musil

Christa Quigley

Brian St. Amour 

Committee Members (Staff):

Susan Allamon (Human Resources Representative)  

Shannon Bralley  (Staff Representative)

Mike Hein - (Academic Support Representative)

Christy McPherson (Hutto/Taylor Staff Representative)

James Skinner (AEL Representative)

Sara Solis (Workforce and Continuing Education Representative)