November 2017 Challenge

The November Challenge will use the Teradata University Network (TUN) for the 2016 Data Challenge - Hire Heroes. You will need to create a TUN login to use the data

Hire Heroes USA partnered with Teradata University Network for the 2016 Data Challenge. They have also made their data available for faculty and students to leverage for class assignments and independent discovery. Here is a little bit about their organization for your reference before digging into the data!

Hire Heroes USA empowers U.S. military members, veterans, and spouses to succeed in the civilian workforce. Through our free, signature workshops and online programs, clients are individually partnered with a highly trained Veteran Transition Specialist who works with the client to: create a tailored civilian resume that effectively highlights skills and achievements, translate military experience into civilian terminology, learn effective job searching, networking and interviewing techniques, and get connected with companies that actively hire veterans. As a result, Hire Heroes USA confirms hired on average more than 60 clients per week. Though this success has allowed growth in both scope and impact, there are still roughly 500,000 unemployed veterans that exist at any given time. In order to better reach this population, Hire Heroes USA would like to analyze existing client, social media, and volunteer data to determine if there are opportunities for further improvements to our systems.

Submission Overview:

Submissions are encouraged from undergraduate and graduate students. Submissions can be based on work done by a team (max 5 students) or an individual. CSU November Data Challenge submissions should consist of:

A presentation of 10-15 power point slides capturing the visualization and analytical work of the team on the provided data set.

A 2-3 pages Executive Summary that includes:

          • Abstract: Provide a brief summarization of your project (a maximum of 100 words) that can be used for promotion at the conference.
          • Problem and Motivation: Identify which of the business problems submitted by Hire Heroes USA that you are addressing with your analysis. Explain the significance of the problem(s) and your reasons for seeking a solution to the problems.
          • Approaches: Describe the approaches used for examining and analyzing the data.
          • Tools Utlllzed: Share which technologies you leveraged during your project.
          • Results: Describe how the results of your work may contribute to the future success of Hire Heroes USA and their ability to help more transitioning U.S. military members, veterans and their spouses find careers.


The Judging Committee will evaluate all submissions using the following criteria: originality and ability to take business action based of questions and answers provided by the team's analysis of the data set; how compelling are the presented business and analytical arguments; quality and organization of presentation/poster/demo materials.

Deadline: January 19, 2018 at 11:59pm - emailed to Dr. Quinn (L.QUINN@CSUOHIO.EDU)

WARNING: There are posted winners on the TUN website (since the competition was in 2016). Using their results is plagiarism.