

How do I join Psychology Club?

Membership in the Psychology Club at Cal Poly is established by attending at least 1 club event per quarter. To stay in the loop, follow our instagram, like our facebook, and join our groupme. You can also add your email to our list. There is no membership fee! We are open to anyone!

Do I have to be a Psychology Major?

Nope! Any major is welcome to join and participate in Psychology Club! Psychology majors and minors are highly encouraged to join, as it is a great way to stay connected, and all other students are welcome to participate in any of our events, even if you don't have any official connection with the PSYCD Department.

How can I get more involved?

Come to our events, interact with members in the groupme, and apply for board when applications open for the next year! Also, keep up with our social media accounts. Look out for chances to be featured, and opportunities to voice your opinion!

How much does it cost to join?

There is no membership fee! We are open to anyone! Simply attend our events and follow our pages.