Pension policy

"The effect of the Covid pension withdrawals and the Universal Guaranteed Pension on the income of the future retirees and its fiscal costs", Latin American Journal of Central Banking, 2024, 5(3), 100122. Codes. BIS preprint.

"The impact of the Chilean pension withdrawals during the Covid pandemic on the future savings rate", Journal of International Money and Finance, 2022, 126, 102650. Codes. Mentioned in the LSE Blog and the Reporte Platense.

The long term impact of policy reforms on Chilean savings and pensions”, Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 2021, 19, 100326. Codes. Codes RG.

In progress: 

"The impact of the Covid Pension Fund Withdrawals in Chile on the future retirement income of the Social Security affiliates and their households", (with Alejandra Inzunza).