Dental care

The Pain and Humiliation of the Mouth Sucker and the Mold

We all have a tale to tell. Most Americans have an irrational fear of the dentist as well. It makes me wonder if it's not irrational and that a common phobia of dentists is the cause of lack of dental hygiene across the world. For myself, a fear is not what I would call it. The reason I am not a fan of the dentists is that it is simply humiliating.

It all began when I was very young. I was a young lad of maybe 10 years old. Even at 10 I was very well aware of the opposite sex and I never imagined I would be scarred on the topic from a trip to the dentist. Being ten, I remember the torture of first going to the mail and finding a post card from the dentists with my name on it. I distinctly remember a checked box with the words, “Your 6 month check-up and cleaning is due”. The word anxiety was not currently in my vocabulary, but that is sure what I felt.

We have all felt the dread of going in to have a stranger delve into our personal space. Soon my mother found the post card and I was scheduled to have a visit. Upon the fateful day of the appointment I arrived in style. I had my farmer john overalls with an apostle t shirt on and I was styling. Walking into the office I was filled with nerves, but I waited patiently until I spotted a stunning dental assistant walking the halls of the office.

My only hope was she would be my assistant. I gladly walked to the counter when my name was called and walked back with the elderly man who would be my dentist and tooth jabber for the day. I say in my seat and the dentists asked me the usual questions on the amount of brushing and proceeded to stab my gums and scrape my teeth. After the painful ordeal was over I thought I was free to go.

Alas, he called down the hall for a mold to be done and walked out. A few minutes passed and then it happened. The lovely foxy assistant walked into my room. Looking as cool and relaxed as I could be I happily obliged her when she asked me to open my mouth. She then stuck a plastic mold of what looked like playdo into my mouth and told me to bite down. Instantly I was aware that I looked like a chipmunk and I was not a happy camper. How could I ask for her instant messenger when I looked like a puffy faced buffoon and couldn’t talk? Then the horror got worse. The mold had made me unable to swallow and my mouth was filled with saliva and I started drooling like a dog.

That day at the dentist I felt humiliated. I was drooling and the hottest girl within a block looked at me and laughed. She then went to a machine that had a long tube and nozzle on the end and began to shove what felt like a vacuum all around my mouth. I should have been enticed, instead I was only embarrassed. She walked out a minute later after she took the mold out and I never saw her again. I felt devastated. I didn’t get an instant messenger, I only got the feeling of embarrassment. I never enjoyed another trip to the dentist and it all started there.