
What you Should know if Your Child either Snores, Grinds their Teeth, or is a mouth Breather

Some children sleep perfectly, all restful and restorative, with no issues as well. For children, they need a lot of sleep since it helps with growth and brain development. However, there are many children that suffer from sleep issues, and because of this, they are missing out on the sleep that lets them grow and develop into the potentials that they y should have. Some children might tell their Kennewick dentist about this, but often, they keep quiet. Some children will snore, breathe through their mouth, and even grind and clench, which is actually a sign of sleep-disordered breathing, and even obstructive sleep apnea.

You might think that mouth breathing is harmless, but it actually affects the development of a child, as well as the adult they grow up to be. Some healthcare professionals might say that the child is going to grow out of it, but the truth is, they actually might have some pretty detrimental effects on how they grow in life.

Now, the first thing is that it can change your facial and oral development. If your nasal breathing is blocked up, it makes the development of the face almost abnormal. In both humans and animals, it actually leads to long, narrow faces with crooked teeth, a receding jaw, TMJ, and even headaches and migraines. It’s not just the looks though, if your jaw and airway aren’t fully developed, they can become obstructed during sleep. during deep sleep, the muscles relax and collapse. Because the airway is a tight space, it might become obstructed, and because of that brain might go from deep sleep to lighter sleep, causing the grinding and clenching motions that push the jaw forward to let a person breathe again. If you grind and clench, it then opens up the collapsed airway and causes the child to breathe again. This is why, in anyone really, if they’re grinding and clenching, it is a sign of sleep apnea.

Now how this can affect the personality and behavior actually does involve the development as well. When you’re in deep sleep, the human growth hormone is released, which is a big part in long bone development. Once it’s interrupted, it stops being secreted, and because of that, it actually stunts the growth and bone development. Deep sleep is the chance to repair, restore, and then heal the body from the stresses, along with it being a memory consolidation and it will also help to cement learning. Hormones that control appetite and other functions are also controlled and stabilized during this point. Now, if a child is grinding, breathing through their mouth, or snoring, the brain might not be able to heal the rest of the body. If a child doesn’t have sleep, they’re typically hyperactive, since they don’t use the hormones they should, and the adrenaline that they have will compensate of the sleepiness that they feel. They often don’t have a lot of academic potential because the brains and their bodies aren’t at the peak of development, and they are definitely in a damaged, sleep-deprived state. Often, ADHD and other disorders are there. They also don’t have a good immune system, in poor health, and overweight. In essence, it’s not really a good thing.

This is where the parent comes in. There are a few things that a parent can do to help with a child that isn’t breathing through their nose. First, make sure that they are, make sure that they see a Kennewick dentist by the age of at least one, seeing that the dentist is concerned with any mouth breathing and implications. If there are allergies, treat them, since it can force a child to mouth breathing. Make sure that their diets are controlled, and also have a child see an orthodontist if they’re mouth breathing. As a parent, you are in charge of ensuring that your child has the best development possible, and if you start to notice this condition come about in a child, it’s best that you take the time and put the effort in place to ensure that you provide care.

Things You Need To Know About Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third molars which appear at the age somewhere between 17 and 21. Since these teeth appear when you grow much older and become wiser, these teeth are named ‘wisdom teeth’. The normal number of wisdom teeth is 4 with one in each quadrant of the mouth. Now, you can get your teeth checked every year through dental x-rays in order to know where your wisdom teeth are going to come in. However, you cannot guarantee about the behavior of your wisdom teeth.

In many cases, the wisdom teeth come in normally and they function just like other teeth in the mouth. However, there are also many cases in which the wisdom teeth are impacted. Impacted means that the teeth remain stuck in the bone under the gums. The reason is that they either do not have enough room to fully erupt or they grow in such an awkward angle which makes it impossible for them to fully erupt.

Now, now all of the impacted wisdom teeth pose any problem to your dental health. However, you should go for the wisdom tooth removal if you find out that it is an impacted one. The reason is that you may not have any problem in the young age but this impacted tooth is going to cause serious issues in the upcoming years. And since the face and mouth are in developing phase during young age, the early removal will cause no issue in the later years. Moreover, the healing ability is usually at peak in the later teens and early twenties. Younger wisdom teeth are not fully developed and they do not have the nerves tangled with them. Hence, getting those teeth removed in the early years will cause no oral and dental health complications.

In some cases, the pain and swelling appear when the wisdom teeth appear. Moreover, the partial erupting of these teeth is another issue to talk about. The major problem with this partial emergence is that the bacterial find a spot to dwell. These bacteria cause serious infections in the teeth and gums. Pain occurs only as a symptom in this regard but this symptom is severe enough to result in an affected quality of life. Therefore, it is highly recommended to get the wisdom tooth removed in this scenario.

The wisdom tooth removal is usually performed by an oral surgeon or dentist. If your case is a bit complicated, your dentist would refer you to oral surgeon. The procedure of wisdom tooth removal can be straightforward or complicated. If the tooth has erupted, the dentist will just have to pull the tooth. If tooth has not erupted above the gum line, the surgeon will have to make an incision in the gum to access the tooth. The complexity of tooth removal procedure depends upon the particular case of the patient.

After the tooth is removed, you are going to have swelling in the area for a few upcoming days. But there is nothing to worry about if you are taking care of your surgery site in the recommended way. You have to make sure that you are taking good care of your oral hygiene and doing exactly what your dentist has told you to do.

Diet Matters

Diet is something that is so core to our very beings, and yet so few people seem to understand this relationship between our bodies and foods. Well, at least that’s the case for Americans. Other cultures across the world have a special relationship between food and body, food and culture, or food and relationships.

The US, however, seems to have lost its respect for food and meals in general with the advent of fast food. What once was a time for bonding with family or a time of day that signaled the end of work has now become a commodity. It’s all about time and money, now. If it’s cheap, eat it. If it’s quick, more time for me to do other things.

Now, while my stance on this seems a bit pessimistic, I will say that a sweeping movement has taken hold of the food industry in today’s time, and that’s the plant-based movement. People have begun to associate their food with the animals that it came from, realizing the horrors that other species go through all to be consumed by us. It’s one of those times in history that the tides are changing, especially considering fast food giants like Burger King and KFC are implementing plant-based options on their menus in establishments across the country.

This sort of new change has made people more aware of what they’re eating, where it came from, and why they enjoy it. At the very least, we’re starting to become more conscious about our diet, something that’s been missing for decades in the US. While there are wildly varying opinions on plant based diets and why people despise them or take them up, there’s one thing that’s amazing about it all: people are talking about what they’re consuming.

I think this will be a pivotal point in history, honestly, and I don’t mean to say that from the perspective of everyone suddenly going to a plant based diet. I just think it’ll be a time in history that marks a change in what we eat for the better. The US has constantly topped the charts of average BMI ratings among developed countries in the past few decades, something that we shouldn’t be too proud of. But as time goes on and more people move to healthier diets and perhaps eat less meat, those numbers may drop over time, bringing us forward to be a healthier, happier people.