Space photos: NASA.
Background Milky Way photo: Pixabay GmbH

"I know that I know nothing." - Plato

I don't know where I came from and I don't know where I'm going. I just know that I am somewhere in the middle of everything that exists, spinning with all the galaxies.

'Somewhere' (1988) is my very first recording with a slide, using an electric guitar and a phaser, which was recorded with a K7 handheld recorder. An experimental sound with a Shamanic touch.

April/2021: There's other piece released into the experimental vibe (11:11).

Act for the Amazon: GREENPEACE
Join the movement together with GREENPEACE. The Amazon forest needs you. Now more than ever. Every day, over 1.2 million trees are torn down in the Amazon. The Amazon plays a vital role in stabilizing our global climate. Home to unique plants, animals and thousands of Indigenous Peoples and traditional communities, it is a place governed by the power of nature. Without it, our planet cannot sustain life. Act now . (Photo: Davi Lazar)