

McGill University

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering

3480 University Street

laboratories: McConnell 609 / 704

office: McConnell 643

Montréal, Québec, H3A 0E9, Canada


Cryostat with 3He insert ( T = 300 mK ), variable temperature insert ( 1.2 K < T < 300 K ), and 8 T superconducting solenoid for cryogenic sample characterization.

3He cryostat (T = 300 mK) for cryogenic sample characterization.

Probe station for semiconductor device analysis in a controlled environment.

Glove boxes for sample preparation in an inert environment.

Atomic force microscope for mechanical sample characterization.

Resistive magnet (2 T) for room temperature Hall measurements.

Vintage leak detector, for detecting leaks.

Trimethylxanthine processing station.