About us

We are a 'team' of people who work for this page in our free time in order to produce content of acceptable quality. But the grand majority of all the content on this page was and still is produced by me, BlipXP.

This page was first born as a student project on May 11th, 2020, and became completely owned by me about a month later. It was originally written in Spanish. Since then, a lot of content was published whithin that small page, and on August 3rd, 2021, over a year later, this English version of the page was born. 

Contact methods

These are the ways you can contact me and the staff at Bonaire Productions. Please use them freely as you may like, but remember that this page is just being made in our free time, and we are in no way obligated to answer fast, or to answer at all. However, we can promise we'll try our best to get back to anyone who contacts us.


EMAIL: bonaireproductions@outlook.com



DISCORD: @BlipXP#7971