Attentiveness Character Study 2018

I Will

  • Look at people when they speak to me

  • Ask questions if I don’t understand

  • Not draw attention to myself

  • Keep my eyes, ears, hands, feet and mouth from distraction

Bible Verse: Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10

What is Attentiveness versus Distraction?

The meaning of attentiveness.

The Hebrew word for attentive is qashshab, which means to “prick up the ears.” as in the action of a horse or a donkey.

The Greek word of attentive, ek-KREH-mah-my, Means “to hang upon the lips of a speaker; to listen closely.”

Scriptural synonyms of attentiveness include giving ear, listening, heeding, attending, hearkening, hearing and considering.

Attentiveness is defined in the dictionary as “the ability or power to concentrate mentally; a close or careful observing or listening; the acts

of being considerate, courteous and thoughtful.”

As we sit up, lean forward and concentrate on what is being said, we are demonstrating the true meaning of attentiveness.