Intro to Biology (online)

 with Melody Schmid

This is my syllabus for online BIOL 1 at Butte College. I last taught BIOL 1 online Fall 2022.

Hello and Welcome!  My name is Melody Schmid (she/her) and I will be your instructor for our online Introduction to Biology course. I will strive to have clear expectations and flexible policies that will help you be successful in BIOL 1.

This 1 minute video welcomes you to our course. You can email me at whenever you have any questions about our course. I look forward to meeting you online soon.

Melody, AKA Professor Schmid

How This Course Works

How to Get Started

Course Resources

Getting Ready for an Online Course

Week 1

How to Be Successful in this Course

Our Learning Pact

What you can expect from me.

What I will expect from you.

Is there anything else you would like to add to these lists?

This learning pact is adapted from the work of Zaretta Hammond, (2015). Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Corwin Publishers.

Why Study Biology?

California is facing some big challenges. Climate change, environmental justice, food accessibility, and a current pandemic are just a few of the challenges at the intersection of biology and society. We need to approach these challenges from multiple perspectives. I teach general education biology because I believe we benefit from the different experiences and ways of knowing of our diverse community members. Approaching these challenges from different perspectives will allow collaborative and creative solutions. 

This course is designed to center learning. You will have choice and multiple opportunities in what resources you use to learn, and how you demonstrate your learning. We are all members of this learning community and I will learn as much from you as you will learn from me and your co-learners in this course. We are all here to grow together!

Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants. ~John W. Gardner