執行方針 Implementation 


We will formulate EMI promotion strategies and improve EMI implementation efficiency from multiple aspects such as organization, students, teachers, courses, international interaction, resource sharing and inter-university cooperation, and performance appraisal. Finally, we hope to further enhance the international interaction capacity of COE, including exchange student cooperation, research cooperation, teaching cooperation, dual master programs, etc., so that students can improve their language skills and international vision through international interaction, and teachers can also use this to improve EMI teaching ability.

組織層面 Organization-wise

我們將成立院級與系級EMI推動工作小組,擬定重點工作、績效指標、考核機制,與資源分配準則等作業辦法,並將秉持plan, do, check, action的持續檢討、改進循環機制,定期進行成效檢核;另外成立EMI教學諮議委員會,針對提升推動成效與長期發展策略等提供建議。

EMI Promotion Teams at the College and Department levels will be formed to effectively integrate the resources and provide guidance on the priorities of the work items. The key tasks, performance indicators, assessment mechanisms, and resource allocation will be formulated by the EMI Promotion Teams. Through the continuous review and improvement mechanism of the “plan, do, check, and action (PDCA)” method, the Promotion Team will conduct effectiveness assessments periodically, while also making timely adjustments to the measures to achieve maximum effectiveness with limited resources. Each Departmental EMI Team will be responsible for EMI teaching implementation and promotion within their respective department. The Teams will also review the performance of the EMI courses and provide additional assistance or resources to the teachers or teaching assistants (TAs), if necessary. Additionally, the College will set up an EMI Advisory Committee made up of the University’s Vice President, senior teachers with outstanding teaching experience, and other academic experts inside and outside the University. Members of the Committee will be asked to provide recommendations regarding effectiveness improvement and long-term development strategies.

學生層面 Student-wise

我們將建立學生英語程度檢定制度與辦法,針對英文程度不足的學生,以各種英語能力補強方式,提升其英文能力,並透過英語學伴系統、助教輔導、英語學習軟硬體環境建置等措施,建立沉浸式英語學習環境,大幅提高英文程度達CEFR B2等級以上學生之人數比例,另外透過教師個別輔導、專門網站及社群專區之設置,提供師生互動及學生回饋意見之管道,增進學生在EMI課程的學習成效。 

We will set subsidies to encourage them to actively examine their English proficiency. For students with insufficient English proficiency, we will improve their English proficiency through various English proficiency reinforcement methods, such as the establishment of individual tutoring by teachers, special websites, and community areas, teacher-student interaction, and student feedback are provided. We expect to greatly increase the proportion of students whose English proficiency is above the CEFR B2 level.

教師層面 Teacher-wide


We will improve teachers' EMI teaching ability by holding EMI teaching practice workshops, establishing EMI teachers and teaching assistant growth communities, establishing a mentor system, etc. 

課程層面 Lecture-wise


A special area for EMI courses will be built to provide complete information and teaching materials for each course; EMI module courses will be planned to improve students' willingness and flexibility to take EMI courses; in addition, EMI course teaching assistants will be expanded to increase students' learning effectiveness in courses. We will also cooperate with schools in the University System of Taiwan to expand the number of EMI courses in our school so that students can take more diversified EMI courses. We are also willing to share the established EMI teaching resources and cooperate with the industry to plan practice-oriented EMI courses.