Best Beard Oils

How To Use Beard Oil

Just want to get straight to it? In the Lab, we tested a range of beard oils with a panel of 300 men, to see which ones really kept facial hair in check. The editors have also selected their top picks, so you have a full range to chose from.

Beard oil is just that- a specially formulated oil, designed to be applied to your beard, stubble or other forms of facial hair to keep it soft, hydrated and healthy. Think of it as a conditioner for your facial hair. However, using beard oil serves a different purpose compared to shampoo or shower gel, as your facial hair is coarser than the hair on your head, meaning it requires a little more upkeep and added hydration.

When it comes to purchasing your own, there can be a lot of variables to consider. Below, we've detailed numerous beard oils that get the seal of approval, for every budget, taste and style. Beard oil, crucially, is lighter and more easily absorbed than, say, sunflower oil, so we wouldn’t recommend trying to kill two birds with one stone.

Best Beard Oil For Growth & Thickness

Beard Oil Vs Balm

Beard Oil For Men

Beard Oil Amazon

Beard Oil Growth